In a statement issued by the chief secretary to the premier it mentioned that the Sarawak GPS government said it maintained the stand the Oil and Mining Ordinance (OMO) 1958 co-exist with the Petroleum Development Act 1974(PDA74) to ensure that rights of Sarawak is protected.
There is nothing expressed in the Sarawak Constitution whether there is or no official religion in Sarawak. In the absence of any clear exclusion of any religion as the official religion in Sarawak, it is difficult to say there is no official religion for Sarawak when the federal constitution expressly says that Islam is the official religion of Malaysia.
Malaysia has many high profile corruption cases. Sarawak is also not free from corruption in high places. Many senior politicians and former prime ministers and ministers had faced investigation by relevant authorities in recent years.
There had been so many arguments about house detention of convicted prisoners in recent weeks. Little knowledge is dangerous, and it is wise to read the statue carefully and not argue based on assumptions or on memory. I also at first was influenced by arguments by some influencers that confused me, and I had to look at the law more carefully and not to listen to what influencers said.
Nowhere was there any agreement by Sarawak before Malaysia was created, that Sarawak had agreed that the federal government could take over the control and ownership of Sarawak’s oil and gas resources. It was in 1974 with the passing of the Petroleum Development Act 1974 (PDA74) that Sarawak lost this right.
The Road Transport Act 1987 has to be amended to impose criminal liability on the registered owners of motor vehicles who consented the use of their motor vehicles leading to accidents by unlicensed riders or drivers.
The five horrible deaths in a multiple-vehicle road accident some days ago (14th January 2025) involving a car driven by a 16-years old boy along the road in Stutong, Kuching, could have been prevented if the registered owner of the vehicle could have stopped or had kept away the keys to the vehicle away from the boy.
As it is now, no one could point fingers to the registered owner whose vehicle was used by an unlicensed juvenile in the accident. Under section 51 of the Road Transport Act 1987 it becomes a defence to the owner of the vehicle to say that the taking out of the vehicle was without his or her consent by the unlicensed driver. The owner could also plead no knowledge of the keys been taken away to drive the vehicle.
Juveniles below the age of legibility to obtain a driving licence, causing deaths of other road users besides other existing punishments, should be banned for life to have any driving licence at all. At the moment, the Road Transport Act 1987 does not provide for this penalty or sanction. Those juveniles who are below the age of eligibility to obtain a driving licence, drives a motorcycle without a helmet on public road is not only a nuisance but a source of danger to other road users. They should be banned from obtaining any driving licence for at least five years from the date of conviction.
Although the Inspector-General of Police said police is empowered to stop and inspect handphones of citizens but there are conditions that police needs to comply before such inspections could be allowed. Not all police officers are empowered to inspect handphones in public places and in homes of citizens.
The Malaysian government intents to rebuild Gaza after the war with Israel had ended about two weeks ago. This shows that the Malaysian government is caring, knows and can feel the sufferings caused by the war to the people in Gaza.
A new year's dawn a sky so clear
Wishing love and joy so near
May your health be strong and bright
In every day and every night
我们知道,Petronas 是一家“国家公司“。然而,虽然它在法律上是一家马来西亚公司,但本质上,它是一家事实上的马来亚半岛公司。它的运营、投资、经济重点和决策过程表明,它主要作为一家马来亚半岛公司运作。仔细考虑我将要提出的观点。我愿意纠正任何不准确的信息,但我不会为提出解决这些不公平问题而道歉。
Dear Mr. Prime Minister,
We acknowledge that Petronas is a national company. However, while it is de jure a Malaysian company, essentially, it’s a de facto Peninsular Malaysia company. Its operations, investments, economic focus, and decision-making processes suggest it functions predominantly as a Peninsular Malaysia company. Ponder on the points I am going to present. I stand to be corrected for any inaccuracies, but I make no apologies for addressing these inequities.
2024 年 12 月 1 日,沙巴砂拉越权利澳大利亚新西兰非政府组织 (SSRANZ) 在其年度会议上通过了一项决议,敦促公众支持砂拉越和沙巴政府恢复砂沙权利的努力。许多非政府组织和个人都支持这一倡议。
前法律部长扎伊德·易卜拉欣(Datuk Zaid Ibrahim)并未充分考虑到法律专家的观点,即马来西亚联邦的形成或存在是通过欺诈或不正当手段实现的。马来西亚是在1962年设立的科博尔委员会(Cobbold Commission)基础上成立的,并于1963年7月9日签署了《马来西亚协议》(Malaysia Agreement)。根据这一协议,英国将砂拉越、沙巴和新加坡作为“礼物”赠送给马来西亚,而这一决定并未得到当时大多数砂拉越和沙巴人民的支持。
The former Law Minister, Datuk Zaid Ibrahim, did not take into consideration the opinions of legal experts that the formation or existence of the federation Malaysia was by way of fraud or by dubious means. Malaysia was created after the setting of the Cobbold Commission in 1962 which led to the signing of the Malaysia Agreement on 9 July, 1963 which let to Sarawak, Sabah and Singapore been given as a gift to Malaya by the United Kingdom against the will of the majority of Sarawakians and Sabahans at that time.
Bekas Menteri Undang-Undang, Datuk Zaid Ibrahim, tidak mengambil kira pandangan pakar undang-undang yang berpendapat bahawa pembentukan atau kewujudan Persekutuan Malaysia berlaku melalui penipuan atau cara yang meragukan. Malaysia diwujudkan selepas pembentukan Suruhanjaya Cobbold pada tahun 1962 yang membawa kepada penandatanganan Perjanjian Malaysia pada 9 Julai 1963. Ini menyebabkan Sarawak, Sabah, dan Singapura diserahkan kepada Malaya oleh United Kingdom, bertentangan dengan kehendak majoriti rakyat Sarawak dan Sabah ketika itu.
KOTA KINABALU (By Jayden Lisandu, 10-11-2024) : Sabah and Sarawak NGOs have expressed support for Perak Sultan Nazrin’s recent statement that, "political exploitation of race and religion threatens national unity and must be swiftly contained".
"The Sultan’s assertions strike at the heart of a longstanding issue that has been systematically nurtured and manipulated by the political elite for decades," said the group in a joint statement issued here today.
亞庇讯 (2024 年 11 月 9 日):沙巴砂拉越非政府組織原則上支持蘇丹納茲林最近的聲明,即「對種族和宗教的政治剝削威脅國家團結,必須迅速遏制」。蘇丹的主張觸及了一個長期存在的問題的核心,這個問題幾十年來一直被政治精英系統地培育和操縱。
In the ongoing discourse regarding Sarawak's rights and resources—particularly its ownership of oil and gas—it's essential to clarify the facts and counter narratives that may mislead the public.
Recent remarks by prominent figures such as Dr. Mahathir Mohamad and Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah emphasize the need for a strong federal unit for national security and resource management. However, this perspective fails to consider the critical historical and legal contexts that underpin Sarawak’s rightful position.
Kota Kinabalu: Kenyataan terbaru oleh Mahathir Mohamad dan Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah yang mendakwa bahawa federalisme "menguatkan" Malaysia hanyalah satu usaha untuk mengalihkan perhatian daripada isu sebenar: kegagalan kerajaan persekutuan mematuhi Perjanjian Malaysia 1963 (MA63). Pengkhianatan terhadap hak-hak Sabah dan Sarawak ini adalah punca utama mengapa federalisme telah gagal, dan mengapa gerakan kemerdekaan semakin mendapat sokongan di kedua-dua negeri.
亞庇讯:馬哈迪·穆罕默德和東姑拉沙里·哈姆扎最近發表的聲明,聲稱聯邦制「加強」馬來西亞。事实上,他们的申明,偏離了真正的問題:聯邦政府未能遵守1963年馬來西亞協議( MA63)暨其保障权利。 這種對沙巴和砂勞越權利的背叛,正是聯邦制失敗的原因,也是獨立運動在沙巴和砂拉越獲得抬起勢頭的原因。
Kota Kinabalu: The recent statements by Mahathir Mohamad and Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, claiming that federalism "strengthens" Malaysia, are nothing more than a deflection from the real issue: the federal government's failure to honour the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63). This betrayal of Sabah and Sarawak’s rights is precisely why federalism has failed, and why independence movements have gained momentum in both states.
1) *What is a “left-wing social movement”?*
The "left-wing social movement" refers to the global anti-fascist and anti-Japanese resistance during the last century, followed by the widespread global struggles against imperialism, colonialism, and neo-colonialism. These movements occurred in colonial and semi-colonial countries or regions.
1)什么是“左翼社会运动“ ?
#Sarawak #Tribune #Sabah #PBK #Independence #MA63 #PDA74 #TSA2012 #Oil #Gas #Dayak #News #Borneo_Post #New_Straits_Time #Sin_Chew #See_Hua #X #Instagram #facebook #google #wechat #whatsapp #tiktok
Raise your head look ahead
Marching forth no fear or dread
With high hopes we take our stand
Spreading truth across the land
#Sarawak #Tribune #Sabah #PBK #Independence #MA63 #PDA74 #TSA2012 #Oil #Gas #Dayak #News #Borneo_Post #New_Straits_Time #Sin_Chew #See_Hua #X #Instagram #facebook #google #wechat #whatsapp #tiktok
#Sarawak #Tribune #Sabah #PBK #Independence #MA63 #PDA74 #TSA2012 #Oil #Gas #Dayak #News #Borneo_Post #New_Straits_Time #Sin_Chew #See_Hua #X #Instagram #facebook #google #wechat #whatsapp #tiktok
#Sarawak #Tribune #Sabah #PBK #Independence #MA63 #PDA74 #TSA2012 #Oil #Gas #Dayak #News #Borneo_Post #New_Straits_Time #Sin_Chew #See_Hua #X #Instagram #facebook #google #wechat #whatsapp #tiktok
#Sarawak #Tribune #Sabah #PBK #Independence #MA63 #PDA74 #TSA2012 #Oil #Gas #Dayak #News #Borneo_Post #New_Straits_Time #Sin_Chew #See_Hua #X #Instagram #facebook #google #wechat #whatsapp #tiktok
#Sarawak #Tribune #Sabah #PBK #Independence #MA63 #PDA74 #TSA2012 #Oil #Gas #Dayak #News #Borneo_Post #New_Straits_Time #Sin_Chew #See_Hua #X #Instagram #facebook #google #wechat #whatsapp #tiktok
#Sarawak #Tribune #Sabah #PBK #Independence #MA63 #PDA74 #TSA2012 #Oil #Gas #Dayak #News #Borneo_Post #New_Straits_Time #Sin_Chew #See_Hua #X #Instagram #facebook #google #wechat #whatsapp #tiktok
如果马来亚人希望沙巴和砂拉越在 MA63 的合法性上做出妥协,那没有问题,但是需要:
1. 归还我们所有的石油和天然气资源
2. 补偿我们过去几十年来被联邦政府/马来西亚国家石油公司夺走的所有海洋、石油和天然气财富
Police Commissioner seemed to have conformed that a policeman was involved in the shooting of a soldier recently in Song during a hunting trip.
Police, military and District Office should learn a lesson from the death of a soldier who was said shot dead by hunters in the forest in Song on 23 September 2024 recently.
In a recent commentary, Voon Lee Shan, President of Parti Bumi Kenyalang, addressed remarks made by the Speaker of Sarawak's Assembly regarding the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63). The Speaker claimed that Sarawak signed the agreement as a nation, asserting its status as a defined territory with a government and permanent population.
9月16日报刊新闻:砂拉越总理强调,在庆祝9.16之际,『砂拉越绝不接受贬低,或从平等参组伙伴的地位“降级“』。砂拉越总理也在前几天说,砂拉越要求拿回的仅仅是原本就属于我们自己的,『 Not more, Not less (不多也不少)』。
Melbourne, September 14, 2024 – Three prominent advocacy organizations, Sabah Sarawak Rights Australia New Zealand (SSRANZ), Republic of Sabah North Borneo (RSNB), and Sabah Sarawak Keluar Malaysia (SSKM), will unite to stage a peaceful demonstration in front of the Victorian Parliamentary building. The event is scheduled to coincide with the 61st anniversary of what these groups refer to as "Malaysia's occupation" of Sabah and Sarawak since September 16, 1963.
Parti Bumi Kenyalang is a multi-racial political party in Sarawak and having an achievable mission :"IN QUEST OF INDEPENDENCE".
We plan to field 82 candidates in the coming Sarawak Election. We are not taking any donations but your gifts in appreciation of our struggles are appreciated.
肯雅兰全民党是砂拉越的多元种族政党,其使命是可实现的:“追求独立之路”。我们计划在即将到来的砂拉越大选中派出82名候选人,因此我们需要砂拉越人民和海外支持者在经济上以财礼(gift) 方式来支援我们。
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