(BorneoToday- October 24, 2019)KUALA LUMPUR: “The action taken by KDN to cancel MyKads given to foreigners illegally or through syndicates in Pulau Pinang is appropriate and in accordance with laws and the Constitution and should be supported”, said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, Member of Parliament for Keningau and Assemblyman for Tambunan when asked to comment on the said revocation of the MyKads.
“However, why the same action is not taken on similar cases in Sabah which has been long overdue?” queried Dr. Jeffrey.
The findings of the RCI on Illegal Immigrants in Sabah as set out in the RCI Report clearly showed that ICs and MyKads were illegally given not in accordance with the law and ineligible foreigners were unlawfully registered in the electoral rolls.
In addition, more than 240,000 Indonesians and Filipinos came into Sabah officially but there were no records of them ever leaving. This number tallied with a sudden increase in the population of Sabah under the category of “Malays”.
The infamous Project IC where ICs and MyKads were unlawfully issued by hundreds of thousand, should be the first target for the revocation of ICs dubiously issued. Many of these ICs were given to foreigners born in their home countries but declared to be born in various parts of Sabah in their applications for ICs.
Instead, the Home Ministry with the concurrence of the present Sabah government is proposing to issue the Sabah Temporary Pass (Pas Sementara Sabah – PSS) to 600.000 foreigners in Sabah.
“I urge both the Governments to be fair and to protect the security and sovereignty of Malaysia by a consistent and strict enforcement of our laws and Constitution. In addition, the present Sabah government should focus on the well-being of Sabahans and not prioritise foreigners through the back-door” added Dr. Jeffrey.
Source: BorneoToday