Just now a person who claimed himself as a very senior police from Malaysian Police Headquarters, Bukit Aman, who could only speak malay, but found difficulties in speaking in English, phoned to me when I was on my way back from court, wanting to investigate concerning the Malaysia Agreement Suit filed by 11 plaintiffs in November 2021 in Kuching High Court.

The Suit was seeking the court among other matters, to determine the legality of the formation of Malaysia. The suit was the first suit of its kind seeking the court to declare Malaysia Agreement 1963 as an invalid international agreement.

I am quite confident that there are people in Sabah wishing to file similar Suit in Sabah High Court soon. This is because they had kept in touch with me many times and sought my legal opinions.

I never know this officer and for this reason, I could not simply speak to him. If there is a need to conduct any investigation into the matter, there is no reason for Bukit Aman police to come down to conduct the investigation. To do so is a slap on the face of Sarawak police. It is better to close down Sarawak Police Headquarters, if investigations have to be conducted by police officers from Bukit Aman.

The person claimed what I wrote or done concerning matters in connection with the MA63 Suit, was against public order. If what been done by me or by Sarawakians who sued the United Kingdom, federal and Sarawak governments, could be against public order for seeking the court to decide on the matters in their claim in the Suit, including the matters concerning the legality of the formation of Malaysia, then, what the court is for?

There was a court judgment to say that there is a right for citizens to speak about perceived violations of the terms of Malaysia Agreement 1963. If citizens could speak on matters concerning Malaysia Agreement, then, what is wrong to file the Suit in court or to talk about it for public awareness and knowledge?

If the court finds that Malaysia Agreement was invalid, then, Malaysia should not be formed in the first place. Therefore the suit filed by the 11 plaintiffs should not receive any harassment or intimidation from law abiding citizens and government agencies. To do so will mean we are not living in a civilized society.

A few days ago, a police officer came to see to take my statement concerning some publications concerning Sarawak rights to independence.

On a recent survey of 3185 people, it was found out that 97.0% favours Sarawak as an independent nation and only 3% wants Sarawak to stay in the federation of Malaysia.

Parti Bumi Kenyalang
4 April, 2022

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