SIBU (Nov 7): Parti Sarawak Bersatu’s (PSB) Lanang candidate Priscilla Lau is asking her rival Wong Ching Yong from Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) to list down all the development projects that he will implement in the next five years, if he gets elected on Nov 19.

“I’d love to hear how he is going to spend that money (RM1 billion development fund for Lanang). Is he promising to make Bukit Assek a new Amsterdam? Or turning Bukit Assek into a new Venice?” she queried during a media conference held at the PSB Bawang Assan Service Centre here today.

Without details on the plans and projects worth RM1 billion, Lau felt that a promise was merely a promise that may not be fulfilled.

She said she had been visiting areas in the Lanang constituency and Bukit Assek was one of which that had so much stagnant water.

She wondered what plan Wong had in store for Bukit Assek, one of the two state seats in Lanang. Dudong is the other one. Both Bukit Assek and Dudong are presently held by GPS.

Yesterday, Wong told a press conference that he would fight for RM1 billion development fund for the Lanang parliamentary constituency once he is elected.

The Sarawak United People’s Party (SUPP) man said he already had plans for Lanang and would disclose them in stages throughout the campaign period.
Lanang incumbent Alice Lau from Democratic Action Party is locking horns with Priscilla, Wong and Independent Datuk Wong Tiing Kiong in a four-cornered battle.

The Election Commission has fixed Nov 19 for polling.

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