Sixty years under the control of Malaya in Malaysia should be more than enough for Sabahans and Sarawakians to understand that the federal government, which is controlled by Malaya, is only interested to take care of Malaya but not so much about Sabah and Sarawak. It is only after much noise made by citizens in Sabah and Sarawak that some voices of Sabahans and Sarawakians were heard.

Why lifts for KTM stations in Malaya be considered important when Sabahans and Sarawakians are still crossing rivers infested by crocodiles by boats and some by "skylifts" with bamboo baskets

People have to walk through the jungles and muddy roads before able to reach some towns and villages. The quality of roads are also wanting and many met accidents on the road.

Sarawak like other states in Malaya also faced sever floods in the past weeks but why only states in Malaya were given attention to floods problems by the Federal government?

Johore received RM50 million approved by the prime minister to help the flood victims. What had SARAWAK got? What had Sarawak GPS Government been doing to get funds from the federal government? Sarawak government should not allow revenues from Sarawak's oil and gas to help Malaya and should ask for more fund for Sarawak.

We had also voiced up priority should be given to Sarawak to fill in posts in government departments but it seems that the federal government has in the past 60 years been sending Malayans to government departments in Sarawak. This is against Borneonization as mentioned in the Malaysia Agreement 1963.

I hope the federal government don't treat Sabah and Sarawak lightly. Sabahans and Sarawakians are people of great patience but patience has limit. Once things boils up nothing can prevent them to seek peaceful revolution in the streets in numbers. They are entitled to do this in a democracy to get themselves heard by the state and federal governments. Peaceful revolution is legal under the present law.

Voon Lee Shan
President Parti Bumi Kenyalang