Sarawak is the state with the highest percentage of Christians in Malaysia and the only state with a Christian majority. According to the 2020 census, Christians make up 50.1% of the population of Sarawak. Protestants, mostly Anglicans, make up the majority, followed by more than 441,300 Catholics, but, despite Sarawak is only state in Malaysia that has most Christians, the government had not given Easter as a holiday since it falls on Sunday. Since Easter falls on Sunday, Monday should be given a holiday by the government.

The government is reminded that Easter is the most significant and sacred day for Christians as it was the day of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Without the Resurrection of Jesus the Christian faith would have been in vain.

Without this day, the death ofJesus would have been rendered meaningless, hence no true salvation and the new risen life leading to the promise of eternal life. With Jesus’ Resurrection, the church of Acts came into being and many other churches were formed as the apostles received the Great Commission from Jesus after the resurrection before He ascended into heaven.
The disciples obeyed the resurrected Jesus and went forth to spread the good news by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Christian everywhere views Easter as a joyous occasion. In Christianity, it is the oldest feast celebration.

We need this Easter be celebrated by the Sarawak govenment to remind Christians of their faiths. Many who work far away from church could not seek leave and travel to church to pray during this sacred day. It is also a time that Christians who live far from home should be able to plan to come back to visit their families and church.

In Indonesia, which is the most populated Muslim country in the world, Easter is an official public holiday in Indonesia and there is no reason it is not a holiday in Sarawak and Sabah

President Parti Bumi Kenyalang

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