Islamic Renaissance Front leader, Dr. Ahmad Farouk Musa said: "If you think this country belong only to Muslims, then please give back all taxes paid by non Muslims because 90% taxes collected come from non Muslims and thereafter please do not collect any taxes from them anymore."

(The Edge Finance Daily - Adam Aziz - July 26, 2018 10:21 am +08)

KUALA LUMPUR: In the run-up to the 14th general election (GE14), the current ruling coalition Pakatan Harapan made a promise in its election manifesto to raise oil royalty for all oil-producing states to 20% from 5% currently.

Susu pekat Manis has no milk therefore susu name should not be used. Similarly any products could only state ingredients as product name only if it has more than 70% of total ingredients in the products.

(Soyacincau - 22 AUGUST 2019)

[UPDATE 22/8/2019 21:40PM ]: MAHB has updated that the systems at KLIA are not yet fully stabilised. The restoration will require hardware replacements which have already arrived and they will conduct testing tonight.

(FMT Reporters - August 22, 2019 11:38 AM)
PETALING JAYA: Broadcasting regulators in the UK have found Dr Zakir Naik’s satellite channel Peace TV guilty of hate speech, and say it could risk having its licence revoked as the Indian Muslim preacher battles accusations of racism in Malaysia.

Ministers of Parliament losing own decision making rights and would not dare to spoke against wrong decisions and policies and dictatorship? Where is the righteous fire they once possessed while they were still in opposition ? They now adopt the "Silence Is Golden" attitude just to prove the point "Power corrupts one's mind and aspirations"?

(The Star - Monday, 12 Aug 2019 11:40 PM MYT By Clarissa Chung)

PETALING JAYA: The Prime Minister’s labelling of Chinese educationist group Dong Zong as "racist" was “uncalled for” and “most regretted”, says Bukit Gelugor MP Ramkarpal Singh.

(The Star - Monday, 12 Aug 2019 11:13 AM MYT)

PETALING JAYA: A DAP parliamentarian has called for a review in the decision-making the process at the Pakatan Harapan Presidential Council.

Klang MP Charles Santiago said there seemed to be too much power in the hands of Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

(Borneo Post - POSTED ON AUGUST 12, 2019, MONDAY AT 3:00 PM)
KUCHING: A DAP MP has called for a review of the Pakatan Harapan (PH) Presidential Council’s decision-making process as he claimed Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has been making unilateral decisions for the people at a “troubling frequency”.

 Indonesian President confirmed shifting Indonesia capital to Kalimantan in 2024 bringing along one million population, Sarawak government has to take some precautions before hand in view of additional one million population to be moved to new capital in Kalimantan with expected increasing activities across Sarawak-Kalimantan border.

National Economic Action Council member Rafidah Aziz has disagreed with the implementation of khat writing in the Year Four Bahasa Malaysia syllabus, saying one cannot be “forced” to learn calligraphy.

Speaking at the Perdana Leadership Foundation in Putrajaya today, the former cabinet minister said she had even sent Education Minister Maszlee Malik a text message on her objections.

Indonesia see the need of learning Chinese in schools while Malaysia government still stick to racial games for political reasons against the wishes of people and against the world economic development and requirement.

(The Star - Tuesday, 30 Jul 2019 )11:52 PM MYT)
PETALING JAYA: Perak Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Ahmad Faizal Azumu’s recent statement on customary land rights of the Orang Asli in Perak is "shocking" and "wrong", says DAP national legal bureau chairman Ramkarpal Singh.

Comment:The attack on local government started with the unreasonable long delay of giving reply/results for those applying for PR status and those kids (especially long house children) who have no birth certificate document and NRIC making impossible to travel to overseas as well as not possible to attend schools.

TM to deliver #khabarbaik for Streamyx users next week
Last weekend, TM had presented their plan of bringing its existing Streamyx customers up to speed with alternative broadband technologies. The full details will be unveiled in just five days as TM has scheduled a #KhabarBaik event on 6th August 2019.

Rejecting ‘Sarawak for Sarawakians’ as a clarion call, Abdul Karim says there’s no ‘ketuanan’ in the state

(Borneo Post - POSTED ON JULY 31, 2019, WEDNESDAY AT 2:50 PM)
KUCHING: Datuk Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah has dismissed ‘Sarawak for Sarawakians’ as the state’s clarion call, adding further that there was no “ketuanan” (supremacy) of one race over another.

Lo to Chong: Sarawakians want independence
(DayakDaily-August 1, 2019)

KUCHING, Aug 1: Batu Kitang Assemblyman Lo Khere Chiang says Sarawak Pakatan Harapan (PH) chief Chong Chieng Jen should know that Sarawakians want independence. “The late Tok Nan (former Chief Minister Pehin Sri Adenan Satem) may have thought about this but he also knew that it had to be a peaceful and timely process. 

Comment: Federal government has been in breach of Malaysia Agreement 1963(MA63)? If it is .... What's next? May be table and pass the Declaration Of Independence and have it registered at United Nations? Decolonization process?

Tiong slams Education Ministry’s intent to introduce Khat or Jawi calligraphy art, calls for ‘substantial educational reform’

KUCHING: Bintulu MP Dato Sri Tiong King Sing urges Pakatan Harapan leaders to carefully examine the weaknesses in the current education system and implement substantial educational reform.

Sanibsaid / July 22, 2017

First Ministerial Cabinet of Sarawak
22 July comes again, this year it falls on Saturday today. People are still confused. For the sake of brevity 6 evidences are presented here as proof that on 22 July 1963 Sarawak did not gained its independence.

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