Int'l NGO calls PM to repeal laws that allegedly eroded Sarawak's MA63 rights . Sabah Sarawak Rights Australia New Zealand (SSRANZ) an international NGO based in Australia, commented on PM Anwar Ibrahim’s statement on Malaysia's commitment to and solidarity with the Palestinian people’s “struggle to free Palestine from the grip of Zionist Israel” made in a press conference on 20 Dec 2022.

The quit rent for land and landed or commercial properties to be increased effective from 1 January 2023 is not justified at present economic situation. Businesses are yet to pick up caused by Covid-19. The GPS government should consider that many businesses had closed down during the Covid-19 pandemic and citizens are struggling and have weak purchasing power to turn the economy around.

The Sabah Sarawak Rights Australia New Zealand NGO (SSRANZ) has congratulated Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim leader of the Pakatan Harapan party, on his appointment as the 10th Prime Minister of Malaysia and the appointment of his new 28-member cabinet on 2 December 2022.

Corruption is disgusting and it is a cancer that can cause the collapse of society and nation. Corruption and bribery could be committed in many ways and unknown to many the giving of free food, drinks, wine and entertainment to voters in the pretext of rendering help and make you happy is an offence under the law.

SIBU (Nov 7): Parti Sarawak Bersatu’s (PSB) Lanang candidate Priscilla Lau is asking her rival Wong Ching Yong from Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) to list down all the development projects that he will implement in the next five years, if he gets elected on Nov 19.

Most Sarawakians could not understand why there was a confrontation with Indonesia and this led to fear of another war with neighbouring countries if Sarawak is independent.

Parti Bumi Kenayalang’s mission is to set Sarawak free and gain independence by peaceful and lawful means. PBK has received overwhelming support from Sarawakians, but, they were concerned about security matters.

The government needs to consider to change the national anthem of the federation of Malaysia on the ground that the national anthem, “Negaraku” lacks originality. Lately, there had been lots of talk about the anthem as a song being copied from others.

Malaysia after being formed had never been colonized by any foreign country and made Sarawak or Malaysia the need to celebrate Malaysia Independence Day?

Voon Li ShanI went around Batu Lintang to find out the reaction of voters concerning YB See Chee How leaving PSB. Many whom I met said they voted for the party, not for YB See Chee How as a person.

722 is celebrated in Sarawak and the celebration has created much confusion among Sarawakians. Many had questioned the wisdom of celebrating 722 with some asked whether Sarawak ever been granted independence.

Many Sarawakians, politicians , academicians and professors had misled the whole world, to say Sarawak was granted independence on 22 July 1963 when Dato Stephen Kalong Ningkan was appointed by the colonial governor to be the First Sarawak Chief Minister. Ningkan had a high stake to see Malaysia has to be formed because if formed, he could be First Sarawak Chief Minister.

Yu Chin Liik


Official misleading information to distort facts and deceive young generation into supporting the existing authority to consolidate its position in the future election.

由多位熱心的沙巴领袖发起新成立的沙巴正义组织 JUSTICE FOR SABAH (JFS) 以捍卫沙巴和砂拉越人的权益和正义宗旨,为了達到更高旳効力,于 2022 年 4 月 28 日正式與吉隆坡知名的专业集团签署了双方合作協议 (MOA). 合作伙伴是知名的 MYKITA Sdn. Bhd. Bhd. (myKITA),其业务指标是诚信、专业治理和进步发展。 他们提供广泛的教育培训和咨询,並拥有强大的专业知识团队。

Just now a person who claimed himself as a very senior police from Malaysian Police Headquarters, Bukit Aman, who could only speak malay, but found difficulties in speaking in English, phoned to me when I was on my way back from court, wanting to investigate concerning the Malaysia Agreement Suit filed by 11 plaintiffs in November 2021 in Kuching High Court.

After the suit filed against the United Kingdom, Malaysia and Sarawak governments as Defendants, seeking the court to determine the legality of the formation of Malaysia, I received many queries from members of the public about the Suit. This was the first suit of its kind seeking the court to declare Malaysia Agreement 1963 as an invalid international agreement.

Tiew Yen Houng, the central treasurer of the Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK), said that the federal government should first instruct the central bank to solve the problem of housing loan difficulties before talking about "affordable housing" (RMM) below RM300,000. Otherwise, no matter how good the policy is, it will only be just empty promises and can't actually help the B40 and M40 groups.

The Sarawak Advocates Ordinance needs to be amended to protect the interest of Sarawak under the federal constitution and the Malaysia Agreement 1963 which prohibit non Sarawakians to practise law in Sarawak if they have no Sarawak connection or if they failed to comply with the necessary requirement of the law.

The calls from various quarters and public requests, which included those from the veteran politicians, NGOs, political parties and commoners in Sabah and Sarawak is to form a common front to unite together as one “Borneo Front” to realign the current situation is getting full support.

(Dayak Daily -By Ling Hui - 
KUCHING, Jan 26): With or without an alliance with other local political parties, Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) will contest in all 31 Parliamentary seats in the coming 15th General Election (GE15).

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