Sarawak CM explanation of GPS supporting Perikatan Nasional (PN) has nothing to do with support for UMNO and PAS viewed by Sarawak people as lame excuses. He claimed that placing full support behind Perikatan National is for the stability of Malaysia and GPS is not in Perikatan Nasional pact amazed Sarawak people.

If such logic can carry any water then GPS can also use the same logic to support PH and likewise not in alliance with DAP and not in the PH pact as well.
His arguement is like excuses from naughty boy who has done something wrong to avoid to be reprimanded.

By supporting Perikatan Nasional (PN) to become back door federal government at the same time giving PAS extra power at federal level can never be treated as for the stability of Malaysia. What more Perikatan National is basically an alliance of majority of Malay political parties in Malaysia. What kind of stability one can get out of that? Could the interest and rights of non Muslim be further eroded owing to the wrong move of Sarawak CM and GPS?
Would GPS and Sarawak CM take full responsibility if PAS and/or UMNO decide to turn Malaysia into fanatic religious country and imposing Hudud Law at federal level?

Sarawak people are disappointed by Sarawak GPS getting involved in the dirty politics of Malaya and not remaining neutral. From the initial stand of supporting Dr. M to supporting Muhyiddin Yassin later gives Sarawak people bad impression that Sarawak CM and GPS are political opportunists.

On the other hand, Sarawak people could no longer trust PH as well owing to its unfulfilled election promises with decisions and plans decided by Malayan leaders. Sarawak people could never agree with political stand of PH in its Tawan Sarawak to dominate politics, economy, religious and social life of the people of Sarawak. It is clear that PH will not give Sarawak back our land, marine wealth, oil and gas taken by the federal government. This will leave Sarawakians crumbs under taken

Sarawak people by now should see clearly that GPS and PH are all politically geared toward personal interest with deceiving and brainwashing propaganda of "negotiating for more autonomy for Sarawak" instead of taking the golden opportunity to unilaterally declare independence from federation of Malaysia based on United Nations Article 1541 and 1514.

The only political party currently working on the concept of "In Quest of Independence" is Parti Bumi Kenyalang which is gaining support from Sarawak people.

Arthur Wong
Publicity and Information Chief

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