( Dayak Daily -By Lian Cheng)
KUCHING, Nov 15: Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) president Voon Lee Shan demands an explanation from the chief minister on the sudden decision to move the Sabah and Sarawak High Court Registry from Kuching to Kota Kinabalu.

He said many Sarawakians were shocked and frustrated by the recent decision, which “came out of the blue”. We are very angry and frustrated. The chief minister (Datuk Patinggi ABang Johari Tun Openg) should explain to us. “It is very important not to let go of this (relocation of the principal registry to Kota Kinabalu), we will find it hard to take it back,” said Voon in a press conference at Kuching Court Complex
here today.

He believed that the shifting of the principal registry from Kuching to Kota Kinabalu set a dangerous precedence, where if it could be moved from Kuching to Kota Kinabalu, it may also be moved from Kota Kinabalu to Kuala Lumpur.

Voon, who is also former Batu Lintang lawmaker, said following the shifting of the High Court Registry, all records will need to be moved, including Sarawak departmental records. He expressed fear that some of the records might be loss during the move. Voon said there has been talks about regaining Sarawak’s rights but to him, there were remained as mere talks as nothing concrete came about. “We are very frustrated about that. The chief minister is to protect the Sarawak people’s interests.

“We have been expecting the chief minister of Sarawak to be firm in all negotiations to protect the MA63 (the Malaysia Agreement 1963), the Inter-governmental Report. We are behind you. You should not show your cowardice to Malaya,” said Voon.

He also called on Pakatan Harapan lawmakers to voice against the decision to their leadership  in Peninsular Malaysia. “Don’t just keep quiet. You are Sarawakians. Please do so,” he said.

Source:— DayakDaily

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