I have 2 questions 1. Did PBK President Voon Lee Shan RESIGN from DAP before he was elected as PBK President ? Tun M RESIGN from UMNO before he formed Bersatu. Is this not standard protocol ? If one worked for Esso and then later work for Shell as CEO, does he/she needs to RESIGN his former position then accept the new post ? 2. Out of 27 members of PBK's Central Committee members, 22 are Chinese. Only 5 are non- Chinese. So is the 5 none Chinese members Sarawak Bumi Natives ? Why is PBK call Parti Bumi Kenyalang but its Central committee members are over 80% Chinese ? 

*In reply to the smearing campaign*

When Voon Lee Shan (VLS) was sacked from the Party in both occasions, no protocol was followed. First, it was only known to public through a series of articles in the press.VLS complained about his sacking but upon a hearing given by party leaders in KL he was given a short suspension in a win-win formula.
Second, by an old man in Kuching DAP, a party veteran who weilds strong arm in the Party, telling VLS the party no more needed him in the Party. Therefore, being sacked and left out, what is there to resign?

He was left out from defending his seat. It was a clever move to get rid of Domimique Ng from defending his Padungan seat.
The DAP constitution allows a person to leave the party automatically without any resignation letter if he is no more interested in the party or has moved to another party. The federal constitution and the Society Act do not say a member of any society has to inform his organisation if he wants to leave the organisation and neither the Society Act and the federal constitution restrict freedom of association.

VLS helped DAP even when he was sacked to get PH secured the Batu Lintang and Batu Kawa seats. Despite being sacked, VLS maintained the Branch for awhile. No party member wanted to take over the Batu Lintang Branch and due to high running costs,VLS had to have the Branch disbanded.

There are many natives in PBK but not many wish to be in the forefront because of current political situations affecting themselves and their families.
The voters will see most dayak majority seats be contested in the coming state election. In a Division in central region of Sarawak, except for Kanowit, all seats will be contested by dayaks members in the Party.

In PBK stables there is a dayak veteran politician who is a lawyer who intends to go back to active politics.A retired university lecturer with a doctorate degree will be contesting in one of the hot seats in Kuching area.In PBK we dont play racial card. We identified ourselves as people of one race - the Sarawakian race.Only a few in PBK Central Committee will contest in coming Sarawak elections

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