Voon Lee shan ViewsParti Bumi Kenyalang receives many public complaints concerning the directive issued by the Sarawak Disaster Management Committee (SDMC) dated 05.10.2021 that prohibit citizens who are not fully vaccinated to travel inter-district. This directive did not take into consideration of citizens that could not for medical conditions, get themselves vaccinated.

It is viewed that such restrictions against those who for medical reasons could not get vaccinated is inconsiderate, unreasonable, arbitrary and unconstitutional under the federal constitution. SDMC may need to understand that the law could not be used to simply discriminate citizens

The prohibition to disallow them to travel inter-district is against their rights of movements and may affect their livelihood as they are prevented to travel for their business and work.

Perhaps, SDMC could require them to be more strict on SOP, such as travelling alone or travelling with only family members or with limited people inside their cars with masks.

If they are to travel by plane, insist them for double masking of masks and use of hand gloves.

The directives also failed to take into consideration of those who could not be vaccinated due to religious belief. They should be allowed to be exempted from vaccination. To require someone to be vaccinated against the person’s religious belief is against freedom of religious practice. This could be viewed as unconstitutional.

Health Minister, Khairy Jamaluddin said that individuals who are unable to be vaccinated due to medical conditions can obtain their digital exemption certificates ( see Borneo Post 5 October 2021)

However, many complained that doctors refused or could not certify their medical conditions for issuance of exemption certificates because doctors told them that did not have any guidelines from the relevant authorities on how to do this.

This clearly shows the incompetency of our authorities in handling this matter affecting the citizens that needed help. Without any guidelines those who are eligible for the exemption certificates are discriminated from fair treatment to receive attention and help from the authorities. Such an act could be unconstitutional.

Frustrated with the matter, some contacted SDMC with a view of seeking help with DCM Douglas Uggah and YB Prof Datuk Sim Kui Hian to solve their problems but their requests received no serious attention from the SDMC.

It is hope that SDMC will look into their problems more seriously so that citizens who need help will not suffer physical and mental stress.

SDMC is reminded activists in the country are monitoring actions and weaknesses of SDMC and other relevant authorities and it will be bad if foreigners will come to know of our weakness and "apartheid" policies in handling Covid-19 issues.

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