Voon Lee Shan, Parti bumi KenyalangThe GPS government term of office had expired but they are allowed to stay beyond their term because of the imposition of emergency be the King.

The emergency had been imposed to tackle Covid-19 but the GPS government's strategies had failed to fight covid-19 even when they are not busy with the elections. When elections come, I doubt they will be focused to fight against Covid-19.

If elections are allowed now, it will be impossible to control or to wipe covid-19 in Sarawak.

We have learned from what had happened in Sabah during Sabah's recent elections and it was disastrous. The covid-19 had been uncontrollable.

We have also seen what had happened to India by holding elections in the midst of covid-19. Covid-19 was more aggressive after that.

During India elections in April 2021, India used to report daily cases as high as more than 379,000. This created a surge that overwhelmed the healthcare system in hard-hit cities like New Delhi, where hospitals have been turning patients away.

Such a situation can happen in Sarawak if elections are held now.

Life of people are more important than elections because whoever takes the government will still have to be focused on fixing this covid-19.

At the moment, I see situations about covid-19 are bad because I received information from those who went or been admitted to our hospitals that the hospital facilities are inadequate to cater for covid-19 patients.

Even this morning I received text messages from a party supporter who is admitted to a hospital in Miri that there were shortage of hospital beds and where oxygen masks are not functioning too. He said he had arguments with doctors ans seeing people dying near him.

There was acute shortage of equipment in helping covid-19 patients in the hospital. What an embarrassing state!

With poor control over covid-19 problems, GPS government will find it hard to be retained by the voters.

The handling of the economy at this time, the tar sealings of roads and cleaning the drains in towns and cities as seen at the moment will not see GPS be retained by the voters. The climate is simply not on their side.

Voon Lee Shan
Parti Bumi Kenyalang