(Dayak Daily October 18, 2022)Dato Sri Fadillah Yusof may need to examine how a strong Malaya controlled federal government assisted by Sarawak Barisan Nasional, now rebranded as GPS had failed to do justice to Sarawak in many ways since Malaysia existed in 1963.

For the past 59 years Sarawakians suffered a lot in the hands of the federal government. GPS government owed an explanation to Sarawakians.

Dato Sri Fadillah Yusof needs to know was not Sarawak government led by Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) responsible for the signing away of our oil and gas to the federal government under the Petroleum Development Act 1974 (PDA74)? Was it not the Sarawak government playing a crucial part that caused Sarawak losing its territorial sea and continental shelf by passing the Territorial Sea Act 2012 (TSA 2012) and the Continental Shelf Act 2015?

These Acts had not only caused the territory of Sarawak being reduced, but, had affected the mining and fishing rights of Sarawak and our people.

If a strong federal government assisted by GPS government was so good for Sarawak, then, why GPS government could not insist the Petroleum Development Act 1974 (PDA 74), the Territorial Sea Act 2012 (TSA 2012) and the Continental Shelf Act 2016 be repealed?

Why not revoke the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) to restore Sarawak to its original position before Malaysia was formed?

Why GPS government could not get one-third of the 222 seats for Sarawak in parliament? The same also goes to Sabah. In a Malaya controlled federal parliament and federal cabinet, are not Sabah and Sarawak colonies of Malaya?

If a strong federal government is good for Sarawak, then it should not take more than sixty years to build Pan Borneo Highway. Dato Sri Fadillah Yusuf who is the Works Minister said this Pan Borneo Highway could only be completed in the next five years – see Sunday, 22 May 2022 5:14 PM MYT Malaya Mail.

The quality of the Pan Borneo Highway at the moment is very far different from the quality of any part of the highway in Malaya. There are many dangerous potholes and diversions causing accidents. How could many parts of the highway collapsed even before the highway could be completed? Is this a highway or a double carriage road only?

If a strong federal government is good for Sarawak then Sarawak should not have sick projects. As disclosed by Deputy Premier Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah there are sixty sick projects in Sarawak. Being the Works Minister, Dato Sri Fadillah Yusuf should know this is not a small figure and of which between 30 to 40 was said were in very critical conditions - please see BY NORNI MAHADI ON OCTOBER 18, 2022, TUESDAY AT 3:18 PM BORNEO POST ONLINE

If a strong federal government is good for Sarawak, then Sarawak should not have 351 dilapidated schools, of which 107 have been deemed unsafe by the public works department (JKR) – please see FMTJuly 21, 2022 2:23 PM

As the biggest state in Malaysia, why a strong federal government backed by GPS could not get huge annual budget for Sarawak? What Sarawak used to get was always below RM5 billion every year. This figure is very much lower than what states like Kedah, Perlis, Johore and Melaka could get. An annual budget of at least RM50 billion is needed by Sarawak to catch up with Malaya.

Therefore it is a big joke to say a strong federal government is good for Sabah and Sarawak. Instead, Malaya used a strong federal government to discriminately imposed its will against the will of people of Sabah and Sarawak

The best thing to do now is for Sarawakians to withdraw support for GPS and support local opposition and nationalist party, Parti Bumi Kenyalang in coming parliamentary elections.

Parti Bumi Kenyalang