Image result for Parti Bumi Kenyalang shoulders a great historical mission

Yu Chin Liik:  "PBK carrying the glorious and arduous mission entrusted by the people of the whole Sarawak, seeking the full original sovereignty return for Sarawak, and the right of self-determination, struggling and implementing in two stages。Striving for full sovereignty and fully fulfilling the right, is the preparation for readiness to self-determination.” Our Parti Bumi Kenyalang is not an opposition party in a simple sense. We regard our party as a party that will become the leading Party in new Sarawak Government at the near futureLet us all work hard for this.


Parti Bumi Kenyalang shoulders a great historical mission

(肯雅兰党主席余清禄讲话                            Speech from Party Chairman Yu Chin Liik )


Dear Comrades,  Good afternoon to everyone !
欢迎远道来自砂拉越南区的温利山同志与Dato Geroge Martin 等同志,和来自美里老越砂拉越北区的房保德同志,Dato Robert Jamal 同志, PeterAsut同志等各地的同志们,欢迎大家!
Welcome comrade Voon Li Shan and Dato Geroge and others from southern region of Sarawak, and comrade Fong Bao Teck , comrade Dato Robert, comrade Peter Asut and other comrades from Northern region of Sarawak, and comrades from every part of our beloved Sarawak。 Welcome everyone!
All Comrades are welcome to this Central Region Office of our Parti Bumi Kenyalang to participate the conference of Central Committee at today 31-03-2019 afternoon.
Our party began applying for registration in 2007 and was approved by ROS on August 28, 2013. So far, it has entered its sixth year.
 I am grateful to the enthusiasm and help of the comrades and friends of all sectors over the years. I am also very happy that many younger generations have recognized the party’s goal of struggle. They have resolutely joined the party’s ranks and opened a new and old comrade to join hands to restore the original sovereign status and the country status of Sarawak。 The new era of struggle for the rights of Sarawak people has arrived.
Today’s Central Committee Conference is a working meeting of the old and new comrades. After plenty comrade-style discussions, a new combination of collectives has been formed。 Our meeting today will discuss and decide the immediate road to go, what to do, and the timetable.
In order for the whole party to move in unison, I suggest that:
Our PBK has a clear goal, one sentence is:
    “ 恢复邦国地位,建立和谐富裕民主公平幸福的多元民族国家。”
"Restoring the status of Country and establishing a harmonious, affluent, democratic, fair and happy multi-ethnic country."
We, the PBK, will overcome the difficulties and marching forward along a General ROUTE, namely:
“捍卫MA63,参选最多席位,主导砂拉越议会,实现完全自主自治,最 终公投自决。”
"Defending the MA63, participating in the most seats, leading the Sarawak Parliament, achieving full autonomy, and finally making a referendum."
Struggle Program and Policy of PBK:
          “ 肯雅兰全民党身负着全砂人民赋予的光荣艰巨使命,寻求砂拉越的自主权自治权,与自决权,分为二个阶段奋斗和落实。争取全面自治权,为落实自决权作充分准备。”
"PBK carrying the glorious and arduous mission entrusted by the people of the whole Sarawak, seeking the full original sovereignty return for Sarawak, and the right of self-determination, struggling and implementing in two stages。Striving for full sovereignty and fully fulfilling the right, is the preparation for readiness to self-determination.”
For the detailed content, please read by Comrade RenXiang. It will be formally tabled for approval at the 2019 AGM of our PBK on June 8.
Our Parti Bumi Kenyalang is not an opposition party in a simple sense. We regard our party as a party that will become the leading Party in new Sarawak Government at the near future。Let us all work hard for this.
Let us enter the formal agenda of this afternoon’s meeting.


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Parti Bumi Kenyalang is a multi-racial political party in Sarawak and having an achievable mission :"IN QUEST OF INDEPENDENCE".

We plan to field 82 candidates in the coming Sarawak Election. We are not taking any donations but your gifts in appreciation of our struggles are appreciated. 

肯雅兰全民党是砂拉越的多元种族政党,其使命是可实现的:“追求独立之路”。我们计划在即将到来的砂拉越大选中派出82名候选人,因此我们需要砂拉越人民和海外支持者在经济上以财礼(gift) 方式来支援我们。

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