In 1963, the federation of Malaysia was formed by 4 different Territories, namely the federation of Malaya (consisting of 11 states), the State of Sarawak, the State of North Borneo and the State of Singapore. These were the 4 signatories to the Agreement in 1963. The other signatory was United Kingdom, acting as the colonial master of the States of Sarawak, North Borneo and Singapore.

The amendment to Art 1(2) in 1976 made the federation to be of 13 states and the federal territories. That had the effect of doing away with the federation of Malaysia as envisaged in 1963 and to assimilate the two States of Borneo into the federation of Malaya but called it Malaysia.

After 43 years Parliament is having another go and I have just read the proposed amendments.

It should have been a very simple exercise and yet the drafters are trying to confuse and hold on the the assimilated nature of Malaya in the guise of Malaysia.

There is no difference between the 1976 version and the proposed amended version. The proposed version is just playing with the construction of a sentence. The proposed version just split the 1976 version into two parts - (a) and (b). It is still in one sentence. There is no explanation or clarification as to why there is two part -(a) and (b).

A very simple amendment will look like this:

" (2) The States of the Federation shall consist of:- 
(a) the Federation of Malaya (which consist of the eleven states in the Federation of Malaya);
(b) the State of Sarawak; and 
(c) the State of Sabah.

These three States shall form the Federation of Malaysia."

What the Parliament under the PH Government is trying to do is to still try to hold on to Sarawak and Sabah as one of 13 states and assimilate (by a take over) Sarawak and Sabah to Malaya.

I want my MP of Sibu to vote against this proposal and put forward an amendment in the manner I provide above .

在1963年,马来西亚联邦是由4个不同的国境组成,即马来亚联邦(由11个州组成),砂拉越州,北婆罗洲和新加坡国。这些是1963年马来西亚协定的4个签署国。另一个签署国是英国 - 是当时砂拉越州,北婆罗洲和新加坡的殖民主。

1976版和现在提呈的拟议的修正案没有区别。拟议修正案版本只是在构建一个句子。拟议的版本只是将1976年版本分为两部分 - (a)和(b)。但它仍然是一句话。关于为什么有两个部分 - (a)和(b),没有任何解释或阐明。


“(2)联邦各州应包括: - 




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