The purpose of getting back gas distribution rights should be for the benefit of Sarawak people including restaurants and industrial sectors in term of cheaper gas. If the pricing same as Petronas and Shell gas for Sarawak what's there to shout about?

Not forgetting gas is one of natural resources in Sarawak therefore Sarawak people would expect much cheaper pricing unless income earned from gas is clearly stated where it is going to be spent in Sarawak for its people benefitting directly Sarawak people. However, rakyat worried change of gas cylinder name and color is just a change of "boss" over natural gas bringing huge profit for a handful.

Huge volume of gas has been sold to Sabah bringing along interesting questions, "Is the revenue of such deal back in coffer of Sarawak government?" If not why not? In the past gas is burned away daily from well site is this still on going and any possibility of providing free (or at a token sum) gas supply to each house in Sarawak?

Again, cylinder gas used as an election tool when Sarawak Chief Minister said they consider adjusting cylinder gas price if GPS win big in next election. It shows CM or GPS is more interested in politics than welfare of rakyat. Would Sarawak people still hoover over such minute benefit in possible adjustment in pricing or majority of Sarawak people opt regain independent status by (UDI ) Unilaterally Declare Independence in DUN by throwing full support behind local political party, such as Parti Bumi Kenyalang, to ensure third force or black horse be the next Sarawak government to safe guard Sarawak sovereignty and natural resources?

Related Article:

CM: New colour scheme for gas cylinders to reflect Petros logo