Mahathir is preaching selective values to the Muslims. Mahathir should also touch on Agreement, theft and corruption as part of the Islamic value as well. Your government fails Sabah and Sarawak, what Islamic value are you talking about? 

1) Regarding theft - Quote, " And eat up not one another’s property unjustly (in any illegal way e.g. stealing, robbing, deceiving, etc.), nor give bribery to the rulers (judges before presenting your cases) that you may knowingly eat up a part of the property of others sinfully. (Quran 2:188)" unquote. 
2) Regarding corruption - quote, ' ''And do not consume one another's wealth unjustly or send it [in bribery] to the rulers in order that [they might aid] you [to] consume a portion of the wealth of the people in sin, while you know [it is unlawful]''
( chapter 2 , verse 188 , Quran )
3) Regarding Agreement - quote, ' “Surely the vilest of animals in Allah’s sight are those who disbelieve, then they would not believe.
Those with whom you make an agreement, then they break their agreement every time and they do not guard (against punishment).” (Surah al-Anfāl 8:55-56
" and fulfill the promise, surely (every) promise shall be questioned about.” (Surah al-‘Isrā’, 17:34)
“O you who believe! Fulfill the obligations.” (Surah al-Mā’ida 5:1)
Similarly in Surah al-Baqarah the ayat says,
“...and the performers of their promise when they make a promise...” (Surah al-Baqarah 2:177)
We also find the following verse:
“O you who believe! Why do you say that which you do not do? It is most hateful to Allah that you should say that which you do not do.” (Surah as-Saff 61:2-3) unquote.


Source: Thomas Leung