Sabah and Sarawak people are excited by the move by PH leaders and Sarawak government intention to regain full autonomy through amendment of Malaysia constitution but when Wilayah is used to refer to both Sarawak and Sabah instead of a nation in the amendment of Malaysia Constitution it has confused Sabah and Sarawak people.

Wilayah translated by google as territories and when you ask in google search "What is territories? " you get the above meaning. It seems that if territories used to refer to Sabah and Sarawak in the amendment of Malaysia constitution, Sabah and Sarawak have not regain its full autonomy. Labuan  is Federal territories therefore one wonders whether Sabah and Sarawak are further down graded to a status similar to Labuan? Sabah and Sarawak short-changed again in the proposed amendment of Constitution of Malaysia?