Most Sarawakians could not understand why there was a confrontation with Indonesia and this led to fear of another war with neighbouring countries if Sarawak is independent.

The Indonesia–Malaysia confrontation or Borneo confrontation (also known by its Indonesian / Malay name, Konfrontasi) was an armed conflict from 1963 to 1966 that stemmed from Indonesia's opposition to the creation of the Federation of Malaysia.

After Indonesian president Sukarno was deposed in 1966, the dispute ended peacefully and the nation of Malaysia was formed. The reason why the confrontation took place because Sukarno said the formation of Malaysia was a neocolonism of the Borneo Territories by Malaya because the formation of Malaysia was not in accordance with international law.

International law requires a referendum be held to seek the desires of the people whether or not the people of the Borneo Territories wanted to be federated with Malaya or wanted to be independent nation of their own.

The Borneo Territories of Sarawak and Sabah were handed as a gift by the British to Malaya to enlarge the territories of Malaya. The federation of Malaya then took a new name, Malaysia after the federation was formed on 16 September 1963.

Many opined that the formation of Malaysia was against international law and against the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1514.

Many legal experts opined that the Cobbold Commission Report was the fruit of a fraud. Many who opposed the formation of Malaysia were branded as terrorists or insurgents. Fear of harassment and arrest, many ran into the jungle and to Indonesian Border. They were hunted by armed forces and they were forced to take arms to defend themselves. Under international law, to defend oneself with arms against arms is allowed.

The British tried to overcome the need of a referendum and the need to decolonization of colonies as required by the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1514, formed the Cobbold Commission.

None of the members of the Cobbold Commission had any representatives from Sabah and Sarawak.

Malaya was represented By Ghazali Shafie and Dato Ong Yoke Lin. Many seen the Commission was biaised and it seems the Report must show people of Sarawak and Sabah favoured to be part of Malaysia. Tunku was not happy when things were not in favour of the formation of Malaysia. Please read The Rising Moon & Deals, Datus And Dayaks by Prof. Michael Leigh about the improperity of the Cobbold Commission Report.

Voon Lee Shan
Parti Bumi Kenyalang