Dayaks is a big population in Sarawak. Besides Datuk Alexander Nanta Linggi and Datuk Aaron Ago Anak Dagang , the prime minister should at least include a Bidayuh or an orang ulu in the Cabinet.

Feedback received is that the dayak community is not happy with the present reshuffle because there are many dayaks MPs or individuals who are qualified to hold ministerial posts in the federal cabinet. They could be made Senators and then to hold ministerial posts.

It seems that the dayak community had been marginalized. The prime minister should be sensitive of the huge dayaks population in the state. Without the dayak support there was no Malaysia and without the dayak support, it is doubtful GPS could form the government and without GPS the prime minister could not be a Unity Government.

There is also no reason that no DAP Sarawak is in the federal cabinet while there are too many DAP ministers and deputy ministers in the reshuffled cabinet. At least one from DAP Sarawak should be in the Cabinet while there are too many from GPS to represent Sarawak. GPS should give way to to some seats to DAP Sarawak in represent Sarawak in the federal cabinet.

This also shows that DAP Sarawak is no more relevant to represent chinese voice in the federal cabinet.

President Parti Bumi Kenayalang
14 December, 2023