It should be the priority of the government for 2024 to pay national debts. Every citizen should help the country to recover from her debts. The debts are too high and if keep on increasing economy would be bad and the country can go bankrupt.

In early January 2023 the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, disclosed that Malaysia's national debt including liabilities has reached RM1.5 trillion and he said this matter should be addressed urgently. However strategies taken by the Unity Government under Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim had not seen things improving much. His policy to continue having salary cut for ministers and with himself not taking any salary as prime minister is applauded but this is not enough to help pay debts and to spur the economy.

Malaysia needs to pay her debts urgently as interests on unpaid debts can keep debts increasing. The prime minister should move a motion in parliament to seek all members of parliament to agree to a salary cut until the economy recovers. Likewise, all state governments should also seek the cooperation and agreement of all cabinet ministers and state assemblymen for a salary and allowance cut to help pay national debts.

Salary revisions asked by government servants or by their unions should not be entertained as priority should be to pay national debts. At the moment salaries of many categories of government officers are very high and should be enough for their families. Many of them have too many privileges such as free cars and hand phone allowances and these should be cut. Government should go for austerity drive and get rid of mega projects. Priority should be to pay debts first.

President Parti Bumi Kenyalang