If there is such a move or an offer, the GPS government should seize the opportunity to take the prime minister post. Either Datuk Fadillah Yusof or Datuk Alexander Nanta or even Dato Seri Tiong King Sing being veteran politicians can take up the job.
If the prime minister comes from Sarawak, this would help to put many things that had been short-changed or not done right by the federal government for the past sixty years to their proper order.
With power of prime minister in hand, the prime minister from GPS, can always with a stroke of a pen, return or restore all oil and gas resources back to Sabah and Sarawak. If Prime Minister Ahmad Badawi when in office could hand over Block L & Block M(now known as CA1 and CA2) offshore near Limbang, Sarawak to Brunei without going through federal parliament and Dewan Undangan Negri Sarawak, the same could also be done that way to restore all oil and gas resources back to Sarawak and Sabah. It was said these oil resources given to Brunei Block L & Block M was in the region of US$100 billion (RM320 billion) at that time – please see Media Statement (3) by Lim Kit Siang in Petaling Jaya on Monday, 3rd May 2010: http://dapmalaysia.org.
The prime minister from GPS can also move in parliament to revoke or repeal the Continental Shelf Act, the Petroleum Development Act to ensure that the federal government or Malaya will not more have any control over these resources.
After all been put right, the prime minister from Sarawak, could also take the opportunity to seek parliament to let go Sabah and Sarawak as independent nations again if political union with Malaya is no more workable. GPS government should be aware that Sarawak and Sabah according to Lord Lansdowne, the Chairman of Inter-Governmental Committee, before Malaysia was formed said that there is an intrinsic right to seek independence from the federation of Malaysia if the political union is no more workable. Tunku Abdul Rahman had also echoed the same thing too.
If Singapore could exit from the federation of Malaysia so could Sarawak and Sabah as there is no law to prohibit this.
President, Parti Bumi Kenyalang
31 December, 2023