This is because it can destabilise the economy and political situation in the country. To betray the voters is against morality and betray public confidence in our parliamentary democracy.
Laws should be enacted to prevent the collapse of an elected federal government by way of backdoor manoeuvring by elected Members of Parliament. The same also should go with state governments where laws also should be enacted for the same purpose.
The much talk DUBAI MOVE had to some extent put the Malaysian public in anxiety and we have read many comments and seen worried faces around about this Dubai Move. Whether or not such a move had been mooted or taken place is irrelevant but the problem faced by this speculations had taken much energy and time away to get Malaysia to move forward.
A special law has to be enacted as soon as possible to prevent recurrence about changing government by backdoor manoeuvring by punishing those who jump party or giving support their opponents to vacate their seats with heavy fines and jail term imposed against them.
At the moment there is no penal provision against the elected representatives that betrayed the trust of the voters.
The party which agrees to support their opponents en bloc after a proper and legal government been formed should be suspended from all political activities for a period of time.
Voon Lee Shan President Parti Bumi Kenyalang
15 January 2024