To answer queries of supporters, PBK needs to clarify that invitation does not mean that PBK members are invited to join former members of the dissolved PSB to join GPS or any component party of GPS.
PBK therefore has nothing to do with the invitation extended to the former members of the dissolved PSB. The loose cooperation with PSB during 15PRU does not mean that PBK subscribed to the political ideologies and struggles of PSB.
We also need to clarify that PBK is and will pursue freedom and independence for Sarawak by peaceful and legal means from the federation of Malaysia.
We beg fellow Sarawakians will stand behind us to fulfil the dream of Sarawak to become an independent Nation, free from the control of Malaya.
We also need to clarify the queries by fellow Sarawakians concerning the position or status of former members of the dissolved PSB under the present political situation caused by or which started from the loose association PBK had with PSB during 15PRU.
We would say the Societies Act 1966 does not say that former members of a dissolved political party could automatically become members of PBK on the ground that PSB had one-time have some political co-operation with each other and neither the law says former members of any dissolved political party are to follow their former leaders to join political parties of their former leaders.
Meaning that, former members of the dissolved PSB are free to join any political party of their choice. No one can stop them or direct them to join any political party against their choice.
Since they are party-less, PBK extends her hands to former members of the dissolved PSB to join PBK if they subscribe to PBK's struggles and ideologies by making the necessary applications with perquisite fee.
If former members of PSB choose not to officially join PBK, we also seek you to give your support to PBK on her struggle for Sarawak independence.
President Parti Bumi Kenyalang