I could not find any law that allows posters of ministers could be put up in public places from public money. This works for the personal interest of those who were contracted to make the posters while enhancing the image of the ministers and politicians by misusing public fund.
Public funds or money should be used for public purpose only.
I hereby call posters of federal and state ministers be removed from public roads any public places unless the authorities can show to me the law that allows the use of public money for the purpose.
No law should be passed to allow photos and posters of ministers be erected in public places with public money.
Taxpayers never wish to have their money be used to pay for erecting posters of ministers and politicians in public places but their reasonable expectations are to use their taxed money for development of the country including for the development of public utilities and infrastructure, advancement of science, education and agriculture.
Parti Bumi Kenyalang
1 July 2024