(14 Dec 2019 Dayak Daily - By: Malcolm Lau)
KUCHING: Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) president Voon Lee Shan said he believed his mobile and office phone might have been “bugged” after police officers showed up for his press conference. “I am concern about how the police know that I will be holding a press conference at my office because I have only contacted media members to come,” he told reporters prior to a press conference at his office today.

Voon emphasised that the police came to his press conference without permission, but which they have no right to do so and that he has the rights to ask them to leave. “The fact that police came to know about the press conference is very suspicious. I believed that my handphone and office phone were wire-tapped by the police,” he alleged.

“I received a visit from an officer friend who is connected to the internal security, forewarning me about the possibility of wiretapping on my phone and being put under surveillance,” he added.

Source:  DayakDaily


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