Those who have the resources to help please come forward to finance the proper equipment/gears for the front liners. The video shows how they used plastic bags to protect themselves while defending for us against Covid-19. Please share this news to your friends and those who can help to finance the purchase of proper equipment and protective gears. Thank you.


Footage shows medical staff in Malaysia making protective suits out of plastic rubbish bags due to a shortage of supplies. Workers had to wrap blue bags around they heads with a hole cut into them to look through.

The lack of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) has driven hospitals to turn to garbage bags and cling wraps for protection against the Covid-19 coronavirus. PPE includes surgical caps, face shields, gloves, gowns, boot covers, and N95 masks, all of which are now hard to come by in Malaysia. The video was taken inside a hospital in Kuala Lumpur last week, where there are hundreds of Covid-19 patients being treated. Staff at the hospital said it was like ''going into a battlefield without weapons''. Malaysia has declared 1,624 cases of Covid-19 and 15 deaths since the outbreak began.