On Wednesday 26-1-2022, at Sibu PBK Centre, a group of Chinese calligraphers wrote over 300 copies of the word “福” (“blessings”) for Parti Bumi Kenyalang to distribute to the public.

Today Friday 28-1-2022, PBK Sibu Division saw 4 of its recent candidates of Tiew Ten Houng (Pelawan), Priscilla Lau (Bukit Assek), Michelle Ling Shyan Mih (Bawang Assan), Olivia Lim (Nangka) accompany PBK’s Life President Yu Chin Liik walking around the town centre to distribute PBK’s personalised Angpow, calendar and the written “福” to the public.

The event was well received by the public as it has been a difficult few years economically and they welcomed the blessings.

PBK wishes all Sarawakians, who are celebrating the Chinese New Year, a very prosperous and happy new year.

Priscilla Lau
PBK Secretary General