If we love money more than our freedom and independence, we shall forever be exploited by our colonialists and imperialists. We have lost our land and we have lost our resources because of our greed and short sightedness.

When the last fish is caught, the last tree is fell and the last river is poisoned, we shall know we cannot eat money.

We need to be loyal to Sarawak because this is the land where we are born, where we live, will die and be buried. We should not hear we have no land to bury the dead and land for our graves.

It is better to be hanged for loyalty to our land rather than reward for betrayal.

Parti Bumi Kenyalang is working closely with a few political parties in Sabah for a united Borneo Front to fight for Sarawak and Sabah independence. Tentatively, they have agreed in principle and it is hope we can move mountains.

Local friendly political parties who share our views and struggles are invited to form this United Borneo Front.

Parti Bumi Kenyalang is wishing all Sarawakians a Happy Chinese New Year 2022

Parti Bumi Kenyalang