Malaysia needs an effective government agency to fight corruption. Stiff penalty alone against offenders is not enough. The law should broaden its nets to catch other acts that gives "free lunch" to people by politicians and governments.

The law should make it a crime for all "political donations" such as giving payments or allowances to government servants and citizens during festive seasons and in the run-up to elections.

The guise of helping people in needs to alleviate expenses of people during festive seasons and during elections by giving money, buying food, drinks, liquor and chicken wings especially to people in longhouses and rural areas and government servants should be viewed as bribery and corruption.

The practice of "political bribery" becomes a bad culture encouraged by wealthy politicians and their wealthy supporters. This will breed corrupt politicians and corrupt government because such money and expenses are not free. These politicians and governments who handed out such money and pleasantries will find ways to recover what they had spent on their people and citizens. Once elected or returned in the government, they will be tempted to abuse their position or office to recover what they had spent as "free lunch" to people.

At the same time, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Act needs to be amended to prevent abuse of power by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Agency Officers (MACC). The law at the moment allows MACC officers to summon any citizens who could be mere suspects or witnesses to MACC officers in Putrajaya from any part of Malaysia. The person summoned could be in Sabah and Sarawak but need to cough out huge expenses to go to Putrajaya in Malaya to assist MACC in their investigation. Who is going to pay their expenses?.

A person who may be potential witness may find ways not to assist MACC in their investigation if they have to expend expenses. If expenses are to be incurred by suspects and witnesses in assisting investigation, this should be borne by MACC.