There's case for Independents entering the fray, win or lose, for hearing on matters of public concern and public interest! There's case for Independents entering the fray in GE16 and the next state election for hearing on matters of public concern and public interest in Sabah.

The focus, win or lose, should be on public hearing. Let's see how the proxy government political parties respond.

The people, based on this link, should elect new leaders who hopefully can help make difference for the better.

The "truth comes into fruition".

The present lot of leaders, many having long outstayed the welcome, are aware of all the problems listed in the link and the solutions for the way forward.

However, being only all about themselves, they will not do anything about the problems and solutions listed in the link.

Sarawak may be no role model for Sabah.

Voon Lee Shan President party Bumi Kenyalang Sarawak have this to say,

The people of Sarawak have lost sovereignty since 1966 when Stephen Kalong Ningkan was ousted by Kuala Lumpur under declaration of emergency.

Small group in Sarawak, in cahoots with Putrajaya, holds absolute power.

The small group have licence on "deriving personal benefits", i.e. bribery and corruption, based on abuse of power, conflict of interest, and criminal breach of trust on being party to illegalities like money laundering activities and retaining "secret profits".

It's open secret that the MACC, IGP, AG and Bank Negara have been virtually sleeping on the job in Sabah and Sarawak. The politicians have literally been plundering the public treasury with impunity.

It's the duty of the international community, under international law, to restore the sovereignty of a people who have lost it. The Saddam Hussein hanging in 2006, and Muammar Gaddafi, being shot in 2011 like a dog in the streets with his own golden gun, refers.

The Orang Asal are the majority community in Sarawak. Non-Muslim form 70 per cent of the people in Sarawak.

The Orang Asal are being denied opportunities for qualifications and experience.

This can be seen in the lopsided make-up of the civil service and the structure of the economy.

No Orang Asal, after Tawi Sli briefly following Ningkan, has been Chief Minister of Sarawak since 1966.

The government has not changed since 1966. The same small group holds absolute power.

The Orang Asal in Sarawak have lost lot of NCR (native customary rights) land, ancestral and historical property, to others including outsiders.

NCR land, based on customary practices under Adat, was protected under Article 13 (property rights), Article 5 (right to life) and Article 8 (no discrimination).

Non-NCR land are also protected under the same Articles.

Adat, the 1st law in international law, has force of law like the Constitution.

28th February 2024

Daniel John Jambun President Borneo's Plight in Malaysia Foundation (BoPiMaFo)

Voon Lee Shan President party Bumi Kenyalang Sarawak (PBK)

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