Parti Bumi Kenyalang,(PBK) is concerned about the bill proposing constitutional amendments to citizenship law tabled in parliament at the moment, because it will prevent children who have been born to Malaysian mothers abroad from obtaining citizenship.

Clause 12(1) relating to children born to Malaysian mothers abroad does not have a retrospective effect and this should be removed.

Clause 12(1) of the bill does not have a retrospective effect. The Bill was caused by the outcry of mothers whose babies or children were born abroad but are stateless as they could not be recognised as Malaysians.

As it is at the moment, existing children born to Malaysian mothers overseas will still have to apply for citizenship through registration, subject to the discretion of the home minister. Clause 12(1) does not help them to overcome their problems.

There could be that their babies or children will never get Malaysian citizenship

The law should not place problems to Malaysian citizens seeking greener pastures and causing problems to their marriage and children born overseas.