[UPDATE] Dr Mahathir has also issued a statement saying that he has accepted Maszlee's resignation, and that he would announce the latter's successor shortly.

BREAKING: Dr Maszlee Malik has today announced that he will resign his post as Education Minister effective Jan 3.

(Borneo Post - JANUARY 2, 2020, THURSDAY AT 4:51 PM)
KUCHING: Dr Maszlee Malik has today announced that he will resign his post as Education Minister effective Jan 3.
Maszlee made the announcement following a press conference called at his office after several reports emerged that he would be resigning his post.

“Following a meeting with Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, I realised that it was in the country’s best interest that I resign my post as education minister,” he told the media.

He reiterated several times that his loyalty to the country and his party (Bersatu) was unfaltering, and his trust in Dr Mahathir’s leadership.

Maszlee also highlighted several achievements of his ministry since Pakatan Harapan took power after the last general election.
Meanwhile, Dr Mahathir has also issued an official statement, saying that he had received and accepted Maszlee resignation.

“I will announce his successor shortly,” the statement read.

The Simpang Rengam MP has come under fire several times in the past after making some controversial moves, the latest of which is the introduction of Jawi calligraphy in vernacular schools.

Readers can view the full press release on his Facebook page below: 

Assalamualaikum, Selamat Sejahtera dan Salam Tahun Baru 2020.

Terima kasih kepada semua yang hadir terutamanya pihak media dan warga keluarga KPM.

Ketika saya masuk ke bangunan ini sebagai Menteri Pendidikan hampir 20 bulan yang lalu, saya sering membayangkan betapa beratnya tanggungjawab memegang 2 kementerian strategik di negara ini....

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