The spike in prices of airfares during elections is foreseeable and the GPS government should have plans and ideas to overcome this to ensure that Sarawakians could come back to exercise their constitutional right to vote.

I was very disappointed when the Deputy Premier Datuk Seri Dr Sim Kui Hian, when asked responded on air fares hike said, “ What can we do, we can tengok saja (look only). “So I don’t know, I mean this is a private entity unless the Sarawak government starts our own airlines.” – see Borneo Post Online BY NUR SHAZREENA ALI ON OCTOBER 20, 2022, THURSDAY AT 10:51 PM

GPS government should subsidize the airfares for those who want to come back from the Peninsular, Sabah and Singapore so that they could come back to vote. This is also a session to allow them to meet their families especially when Christmas is around the corner.

There is no reason that the government should not subsidize the airfares when premier said Sarawak has lots of money, “Kita ada duit”.
Without voters outside Sarawak and in overseas able to come back for these elections, voter turnout would be low.

Democracy should not work that way if this country wants foreigners to have confidence to invest here.

President, Parti Bumi Kenyalang