The Malaysian 15th Parliamentary Elections held on Saturday 19-11-2022 resulted in victories and defeats that created history. It has been 5 days since the fateful day and Malaysians are still awaiting for the announcement of a government that will hopefully deliver on all its election promises and truly heal Malaysia.

For Sarawak, the sentiment is more of fear and at the same time of hope. Fear because Sarawakians do not want islamisation of our beloved secular Sarawak. Hope because Sarawakians are hanging on by the thread of GPS’ promise of “Sarawak First”.

At this juncture I call on GPS to show its true colors to Sarawak and push their agenda of “Sarawak First” forward without fear and favor by immediately tabling and deciding the hot topic of Sarawak’s independence in its Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) sitting this week.

During this tumultuous political climate, Sarawak’s DUN should and must grab this opportunity to openly discuss about and immediately implement Sarawak’s independence agenda. There is no better time as now.

If GPS fails and/or is unwilling to even look at this, then Sarawakians will know that their election promise of “Sarawak First” is nothing but a lie to win votes. Sarawakians will then know that they must be voted out in the next Sarawak DUN elections.

Merdeka is our right. If there is any doubt by GPS on this, I am willing to be available at any time for consultation.

I urge GPS not to waste this golden opportunity.