林冠英说马来西亚是由三邦成立,三邦就是砂拉越,沙巴和马来亚。林冠英也证实没有砂拉越和沙巴就没有马来西亚。没有“马来西亚公约1963”也就没有马来西亚。 所以“马来西亚公约1963”是不可被修改不可以被取消。没有得到砂拉越政府和人民同意之下不可以以其他方法修改马来西亚的宪法和通过新法令来限制“马来西亚公约1963”权利,危害砂拉越和沙巴的主权和利益。现今情况明显抵触了“马来西亚公约1963”,也动摇了马来西亚建国基础。

Under Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) Sarawak, Sabah and Malaya are equal partners therefore without Sarawak and/or Sabah there is no Malaysia and without Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) there is no Malaysia. It is obvious that Malaysia Agreement 1963 is above all laws, regulations and ACTS. Any intention to restrict the function and power of Malaysia Agreement 1963 through new laws and ACTS and amendment to the Malaysia Agreement 1963 is rocking the very foundation of formation of Malaysia. Such intention will make Malaysia Agreement 1963 invalid and subsequently automatically declaring independence of Sarawak and Sabah.