(aljazeera - 30 Nov 2018)
Amnesty International says new government should move to end abuses and take action on indigenous land rights.
Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia's new government has a "window of opportunity" to address indigenous land rights and stop the intimidation, harassment and arrest of those attempting to defend their land, Amnesty International said at the launch of its latest report into indigenous rights.
(aljazeera- by Tom Danks 10 Oct 2019)
Sabah and Sarawak are pushing for autonomy and equal status they say were part of agreement to create Malaysia in 1963.
Sarawak, Malaysia – As Malaysia celebrated its 56th birthday last month, Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad addressed the Southeast Asian nation’s two culturally-distinct and increasingly assertive Borneo states of Sabah and Sarawak, a two-hour flight across the South China Sea from the seat of government in Putrajaya.
准候选人66岁被调侃 土团2妙招还击 . 丹绒比艾补选未战先热,希盟已确定由土团党丹绒比艾区部主席卡敏上阵,不过他的66岁年龄被巫统拿来调侃,“希望明年不要再补选”,结果这番言论也被土团还击……
警或传召《互》撰序者 包括林冠英与中国大使?
(DayakDaily- October 27, 2019)
MIRI, Oct 27: DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng has made it clear that the establishment of Federal Village Community Management Council (MPKKP) is to capture Sarawak today.
(达雅时报10月27日讯)民主行动党秘书长林冠英表示,“联邦乡村社区管理委员会”(MPKKP) 的成立,是为了要夺取砂拉越的政权。
Outstanding and awesome Xiaomi excellent cameras featured smartphone to be launched on 5 Nov 2019. It will be useful for taking quality picture and doing facebook live video.
Not sure whether Philippines will follow Indonesia to shift its capital towards Sabah to Mindanao.
(DailyExpress- Published on: Sunday, October 27, 2019)
Kota Kinabalu: A REPORT about Philippines moving its capital from Manila to Mindanao (Southern Philippines) excites the State Government, considering this will make Sabah located in the middle between the capitals of three countries, including Brunei and Indonesia.
(东方日报 - 发布于 2019年10月29日 06时00分)
In a gathering like "Malay Dignity Congress" if you talk about Malay should have dignity to compete with other races on merits and not on special rights then what you said is on the right note. Problem is no one talked about self improvement or working closely with other races to gain experience so that one can later be as good to compete on equal ground.
Khalid Samad: A gathering is racist when it sets out to create prejudice (updated)
(StarOnline- Saturday, 26 Oct 2019)
PETALING JAYA: An ethnic gathering is racist when it aims to create racial prejudice, says Federal Territories Minister Khalid Abdul Samad (pic).
Khalid, who was referring to the controversial Malay Dignity Congress, said that the gathering itself was not the issue, but pointed out that the content of the event was racist in nature.
保马行动、后门政府、交棒分歧,你觉得都是巧合吗?我国政坛最近继续冒出 “谁会是下一任首相”风波,一箩筐的问题不断涌现,希盟政府要怎么在消化这些问题的当儿,还要把国家经济给撑起来?
Oil palm smallholders biggest losers in tiff with India, says Kadir Jasin
(FMT Reporters -October 23, 2019)
PETALING JAYA: Prominent blogger A Kadir Jasin said the boycott threat on Malaysian palm oil by India could hurt Felda settlers and smallholders.
回应Tan Sri James Masing和Pakatan Harapan(Roland Engan-PKR)的发言
八点最热报 | 作为我国连续5年最大的棕油出口国,来自印度的棕油买卖商会组织发出呼吁,号召属下会员,不要购买大马棕油,以抗议首相马哈迪今年9月份在联合国大会上发言时,发表印度“入侵及占领”查谟与克什米尔地区的言论。敦马今天强调不撤回言论,但会跟有关商会沟通,以免大马卷入与印度之间的“贸易战”。(主播:梁宝仪)2019.10.22 09:27PM
(BorneoPost- POSTED ON OCTOBER 23, 2019, WEDNESDAY AT 2:38 PM)
KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysia-India palm oil issue has taken a new twist.Amidst the call by an Indian trade association for importers to shun palm oil from Malaysia, a political body in South India has urged Prime Minister Narendra Modi government not to reduce palm oil imports from Malaysia.
(BorneoToday- October 24, 2019)KUALA LUMPUR: “The action taken by KDN to cancel MyKads given to foreigners illegally or through syndicates in Pulau Pinang is appropriate and in accordance with laws and the Constitution and should be supported”, said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, Member of Parliament for Keningau and Assemblyman for Tambunan when asked to comment on the said revocation of the MyKads.
Interested in arts so go for it but you want to be engineer no problem you can be engineer by doing what you interested ... Arts? Streaming is to ensure all ground covered for specific course preparing students for it. It is never a matter of interest or not. Other than the main course papers you can than talk about interest of students or else you are just misleading parents and students.
(SSRANZ - April 11, 2019)
SSRANZ President Robert Pei said the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Liew Vui Keong may not have carefully considered the full implications of what he said as reported on 25 March 2019, quote:
Lame security reason without even mention about spending money to setup border scout and sarawak rangers. May be soneone has plenty of lands in the region needs road accessibility??
Malaysia is facing sanction from India and in certain way from China as well. The ban on palm oil from Europe (from unconfirmed source) is because of refined palm oil has certain chemical added to prolong the life shelf but that additive to them is cancer causing agent.