Yes, that is the question many Sarawakians asked. We are supposed to be as rich, if not richer than, as Brunei and Dubai people but what has happened to our natural resources especially oil and gas ?
In just 20 years, cases of dengue fever have risen from 7000 a year, to over 100000! What are we doing wrong?
How much does a university degree help with job opportunities, and why is youth unemployment rate so high? Here's a #throwback to an earlier episode.
A historic non-partisan bill to reduce the voting age from 21 to 18 has been passed! But are Malaysian youths ready?
The haze seems to be gone but it will likely be back - here's what that's got to do with indigenous land disputes.
#cgtn #un #bbc #news #bbcnews #breaking #breakingnews #today #president #digitalmarketing #cnn #cnnnews #icj #media #like #follow #newspaper #online #news #media #business #magazine #india #journalism #noticias #latina #frontpage #instanews #usa #photography #pakistan #art #politics #latino #newspapers #paper #breakingnews #f #work #love #progresohispanonews #progresohispano #progresohispanotv #latinos #estadosunidos #fox #foxnews #tech #time #goodnews #worldnews #sarawak #independence #malaysiaagrement1963 #ma63 #unitednations #internationalcourtofjustice #inquestofindependence #partibumikenyalang #ethereum #crowdfunding Medicaid #ico #happybirthday
With the conversation about GST vs SST bubbling up again - here's a refresher on what the difference actually is [yup, we produced this last year when SST was about to be introduced].
Malaysian house prices have increased by over 300% since 2002 - way above what the "average" Malaysian can afford. Yet developers continue to build tens of thousands of new houses, that go unsold every year! Learn about the housing market and how we can bring prices down in R.AGE's latest Newsflash episode.
Sarawak initiates legal action on Petronas over state sales tax
KUCHING: A writ of summons and statement of claim have been filed by the Comptroller of the State Sales Tax and the Sarawak government against Petronas at the High Court registry in Kuching today.
(BorneoPost- BY LIM HOW PIM ON NOVEMBER 21, 2019, THURSDAY AT 2:59 PM)
KUCHING: Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) today claimed that many Sarawakians want Sarawak to be independent, regardless of what Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg has said.
Isn't it true all this while audio recording can't be used as evidence in court.? Even video can be "look and sound like me but it is not me".
If audio recording can be used as evidence in this case it will definitely set a precedent for future court cases.
(东方 - 发布于 2016年11月21日 17时04分 • 最后更新 3年前)
总稽查司报告揭发 敦马涉5亿令吉工程计划
吉隆坡21日讯) 总稽查司报告揭发,前首相敦马哈迪退位前一年,曾以财政部长身份指示交通部,将一项价值高达5亿令吉的挖掘河床计划,颁给一家毫无经验,并且成立仅一个月的公司。
(FMT - Larissa Lumandan -November 21, 2019 9:08 PM)
KUCHING: A Sarawak opposition party leader today claimed Malaysia is an “illegal union” established by the United Kingdom. Parti Bumi Kenyalang president Voon Lee Shan said the UK illegally transferred sovereignty over Sabah and Sarawak to the federation.
(See Hua - 2019年11月21日-古晋21日讯)砂肯雅兰全民党今日以快邮方式,将一份长达8页的信函快递到首相办公室,以向首相马哈迪表达该党全体党员及砂拉越人民对马来西亚联邦的不满。
Di bawah maksud Bekalan B.21 040000 - Program Khusus, saya hendak menyentuh perkara tertakluk di bawah Butiran 040400 - Subsidi Harga Padi, Butiran 040500 - Subsidi Baja Padi, Butiran 040600 - Insentif Pengeluaran Padi dan Butiran 040800 - Subsidi Benih Padi Sah yang dibacakan bersekali.
The speaker talked about Tunku Abdul Rahman College University and challenged PH to report to MACC and Polis if their video allegation of MCA is true.
(Dayak Daily By Lian Cheng KUCHING, Nov 21 2019)
The United Kingdom (UK) is monitoring Malaysia’s internal politics including developments in Sarawak and Sabah. In reply to Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) the UK government through H.A. Cranston of the South East Asia Department of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in a letter dated Oct 11, 2019, disclosed that apart from the UK, the European Union, the USA and other foreign missions are keeping watch over the internal politics of Malaysia.
(美里13日讯)人联党是砂拉越政党联盟(GPS)的一个成员,而砂拉越政党联 盟曾多次明确表示,他们只是在某些事项上寻求自治权或自主权,而不是寻求独立于马来西亚联邦的权利。所以当通过宣布寻求自治,就已表明砂拉越政党联盟是不会希望砂拉越离开马来西亚。
2013年10月23日,砂拉越上百名上游族(Orang Ulu)为捍卫原住民习俗地,在通往巴南水坝建地唯一的路上设置路障封锁道路,向砂政府与发展公司宣战,表明坚决不迁居,不要水坝的立场。他们全天驻守在主要要道,举家扎营,忍受着恶劣的暴晒季雨、物资缺乏与觅食困难等问题,坚决要求合理的土地和资源赔偿。警方多次粗暴斡旋,在另一个穆伦水坝路障区,不但派出镇暴队驻守,向天空鸣枪,还大肆逮捕抗议者(包括儿童在内),并控上法庭。
( Dayak Daily -By Lian Cheng)
KUCHING, Nov 15: Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) president Voon Lee Shan demands an explanation from the chief minister on the sudden decision to move the Sabah and Sarawak High Court Registry from Kuching to Kota Kinabalu.
1) Can't even stop the Shift of high court to Sabah. 2) Dare not sue PETRONAS 3) Dare not Unilateral Declaration Of Independence 4) Dare not challenge PDA74.
由砂拉越数码媒体电子平台公会主办,Tea FM为指定电台的 “ The Sarawak ” 影片制作比赛在上个星期六成绩揭晓啦!
让我们一起观赏冠军影片 《Nanga Ukom – The Sarawak》Once again congratulation to all the top 8 videos in this competition.
1st : Nanga Ukom – The Sarawak Credit : Shia Yih Phen Website:
Sarawak Chief Minister has to put record straight how Sarawak government is going to protect Sarawak rights in view of "allegation" of possible "Conflict of interest.
Parti Bumi Kenyalang is a multi-racial political party in Sarawak and having an achievable mission :"IN QUEST OF INDEPENDENCE".
We plan to field 82 candidates in the coming Sarawak Election. We are not taking any donations but your gifts in appreciation of our struggles are appreciated.
肯雅兰全民党是砂拉越的多元种族政党,其使命是可实现的:“追求独立之路”。我们计划在即将到来的砂拉越大选中派出82名候选人,因此我们需要砂拉越人民和海外支持者在经济上以财礼(gift) 方式来支援我们。
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