我教大家学习打开联合国网页 www.un.org,
(可选中英阅读)在"非殖民化 Decolonization"部分,历史栏目里
Trust and Non-Self-Governing Territories (1945-2002) 托管与非自治领土(1945-2002),
关于2019年9月11日联邦法院裁决对NCR TR TR Sandah案的影响
2019年九月十一日联邦法庭的对NCR TR Sandah案的判决,似乎已成为案例造成达雅族人,未来NCR土地纠纷案没有可以赢得牵连州政府和Pemakai Menoa和Pulau Galau 的NCR 土地案。从现在开始对于达雅族人来说这是非常困难的事情。
UN Resolution 1514 (XV)
联合国第1514号决议(十五) Please Note: Chinese and Malay are direct google translated. Resolusi UN 1514 (XV) Translated words is just for a guide
(Source: youtube - pkar Singh - Published on Sep 9, 2019)
The territory of Sabah and Sarawak in North Borneo gained independence for a few weeks before being forcibly merged with Malaya on September 16th 1963.
Sarawak people are expecting the related department to start seeding rain clouds to bring some rains to lessen the impact of the haze but it seems that no-one is interested in solving the situation. Some suspected officers have gone for holidays elsewhere to avoid the haze situation while Sarawak people continue to face the haze.
(See Hua - 2019年9月7日)
(Borneo Post - POSTED ON SEPTEMBER 8, 2019, SUNDAY AT 12:02 AM)
KUCHING: The formation of Malaysia is riddled with mysteries and many secrets have gone to the graves, said Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) president Voon Lee Shan.
The high price to pay for not sending back fugitive as requested by India?? Some claimed that's the reason but firms normally buy from the cheapest to reduce cost and maximize profit
The Malays are the ‘tuan’ (masters of the country)? What tuan? Asks Dr M
(MalaysiaWorldNews - By ZIININE A.S on September 6, 2019)
Dr Mahathir Mohamad has slammed those who claim that the Malays are the “masters” of the country, saying that the Malays are the poorest and the unskilled people in the country.
SPA: Sarawak Rangers should be revived as security force under Sarawak government
(Dayak Daily - September 2, 2019 )
KUCHING, Sept 2: Sarawak Patriots Association (SPA) is calling for Sarawak Rangers to be revived as a local security force under the Sarawak government.
The only reason to increase retirement age is the person still have financial commitment and there is not enough saving to meet the financial burden, could be in the form of housing loan or children educational expenses. Worse still when more taxes have been imposed and retirement age means nothing but losing monthly earning. No one could understand their plight except themselves.
【亚答街望族篇】之老报人梁国信(上) 亲历独立前后的政海波涛
(intimes.com.my - 02 09, 2019登载 )
(The Star - Tuesday, 03 Sep 2019 By STEPHEN THEN)
MIRI: A community-based organisation has pointed out the irony of Sarawak being the richest state in natural resources yet having a large number of poor families.
I salute my former colleague Syed Imran….
I got this from a friend and decided to resend it as it explains in great detail what a Malayu really is. It is time we stopped those who corrupt the original meaning in order to use it to divide Malaysian.
为什么穆斯林可以羞辱你,而你却必须尊重他们? 穆斯林九大行为准则祸害全球!文:Mask Man
姑里抨马来人短视 “他们忘了他族的贡献和妥协”
Islamic Renaissance Front leader, Dr. Ahmad Farouk Musa said: "If you think this country belong only to Muslims, then please give back all taxes paid by non Muslims because 90% taxes collected come from non Muslims and thereafter please do not collect any taxes from them anymore."
The Jakarta Post on July 30 2019 reported President Jokowi chooses Kalimantan to host new capital. Indonesia will move its capital from Jakarta to Kalimantan soon. It is expected Kalimantan will be flooded with additional one million people very soon.
(The Edge Finance Daily - Adam Aziz - July 26, 2018 10:21 am +08)
KUALA LUMPUR: In the run-up to the 14th general election (GE14), the current ruling coalition Pakatan Harapan made a promise in its election manifesto to raise oil royalty for all oil-producing states to 20% from 5% currently.
(Wednesday, 11 July 2018 08:53 - 本报古晋10日讯)砂拉越是全国最大的天然煤气生产与出口州,占了全国总生产的60到65巴仙。此外,在石油方面,全国所生产的30巴仙石油来自砂拉越。
Despite protest Education ministry insisted on implementing the Jawi calligraphy with the excuse of not for examination purpose.
Based on Bernama report ( August 18, 2017 @ 9:58pm) Sarawak alone produces 850,000 barrels of oil daily.
根据Bernama报告(2017年8月18日@ 9:58 pm),砂拉越每天生产85万桶石油。
干嘛? 又梦到....?
Why? N strangled you in your dream? No, it was A.
Ada dreaming siapa? Najib? Bukan, Anuar lah!
这老人家真的在509竟选时已悔改,是来救国的?你曾为这视频感动流泪吗?希望联盟队友是如何评估这老先生?Still remember this touching video that made everyone cried and believed this old man had changed and coming back to save Malaysia. This propaganda was so powerful that BN lost in the 509 election. But how present PH team mate actually see the old leader before they let the old man joined them and won the election? Has the old man really changed?
Malaysia people has enough of waiting for delivery of promises which becomes broken promises and the dissatisfaction of people now becoming modified popular songs presented in video format. Will this spell the down fall of PH government?
Border highway for security reason? He has been wanting to spend Sarawak reserve to build another highway all this while and now seeing Indonesia relocation of its capital making use of it as the reason.
(Dayak Daily - By Wilfred Pilo - August 27, 2019)
KUCHING, Aug 27: Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) will not be participating in the Sarawak Liberation Movement (SLM) ‘ceramah’ on which is scheduled to be held on Aug 28 in Siburan. Its party president Voon Lee Shan said that despite his moral support for the event, neither him nor his party will be associated with what the organisers have planned.
(FMT - Larissa Lumandan - August 27, 2019 6:31 PM)
KUCHING: Petronas has no right to keep the Sarawak government in the dark about the amount of oil and gas reserves in Sarawak, Parti Bumi Kenyalang president Voon Lee Shan said.
Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) wants an emergency State Legislative Assembly (DUN) sitting to declare Sarawak independent from Malaysia with immediate effect after Petronas and the federal government was said to be keeping the Sarawak government in the dark over the amount of oil and gas reserves that Sarawak has.
(SeeHua - 2019年8月21日)
(Borneo Post - POSTED ON AUGUST 23, 2019, FRIDAY AT 12:04 AM)
SIBU: Members of the public are disturbed to hear that the negotiations on oil and gas have to be done by the chief minister alone with the prime minister, according to Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK).
Parti Bumi Kenyalang is a multi-racial political party in Sarawak and having an achievable mission :"IN QUEST OF INDEPENDENCE".
We plan to field 82 candidates in the coming Sarawak Election. We are not taking any donations but your gifts in appreciation of our struggles are appreciated.
肯雅兰全民党是砂拉越的多元种族政党,其使命是可实现的:“追求独立之路”。我们计划在即将到来的砂拉越大选中派出82名候选人,因此我们需要砂拉越人民和海外支持者在经济上以财礼(gift) 方式来支援我们。
Download PBK Passport
(for reference only)