Outstanding and awesome Xiaomi excellent cameras featured smartphone to be launched on 5 Nov 2019. It will be useful for taking quality picture and doing facebook live video.

Xiaomi is introducing the CC9 Pro next week and this will be their best camera smartphone contender yet. As the name suggests, this is a higher-spec model of the CC9 series and it will feature the latest 108MP camera sensor from Samsung.
From the teaser image, the device appears to come with five cameras at the rear that’s arranged vertically on the top left corner. This configuration looks cleaner than the Nokia 9 PureView.

The label indicates that it has a 108MP main sensor and there’s also a telephoto camera that has 5X optical zoom. With 5X optical zoom, this is on par with the likes of the Huawei P30 Pro and the Oppo Reno 10X Zoom.

There are no details on the other three cameras but we are guessing it could be an ultra-wide-angle shooter, a depth sensor as well as a dedicated macro camera. Another thing that we noticed is two flash elements which gives it a total of 4 LED flash.

Xiaomi has shared a couple of sample shots taken from the CC9 Pro and you can check them out below. The caption also reveals dual optical image stabilsation as well as 10x hybrid zoom.
According to Samsung’s product page for the 108MP camera, the ISOCELL Bright HMX adopts a large 1/1.33″ size sensor that has a 0.8-micron pixel size. The hardware itself can capture 12032×9024 resolution photos and record up to 6K resolution videos in 30 fps.

Using its Tetracell technology, it can combine four nearby pixels to create a larger 27MP photo in low-light conditions. In daylight situations, it can create a more detailed 108MP image.

Apart from the CC9 Pro, Xiaomi will also introduce their new Mi TV 5 and a smartwatch. All shall be revealed on the 5th of November at 2PM.

Source: Soya Cincau

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