PKR founding member Syed Husin Ali believes that prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad has reverted to authoritarianism and expressed serious concern over the future direction of the nation. After Pakatan Harapan claiming that it had rescued the people from a kleptocratic government in the last general election, the veteran leader warned that Malaysia could now head towards "kleptocratic cronyism" instead.
Source: Malaysiakini
MCA voiced against 5% property gain tax and inheritance tax on properties owned more than 5 years. Such tax is in fact taxing the dead money (inheritance tax when landed properties transferred from the deceased to children). Is Malaysia really financially unsound under PH government or someone needs more money for "personal projects"?
By Voon Lee Shan President Parti Bumi Kenyalang Dated: 2 October 2019
For 56 years no one been charged for offences in connection with Negara Ku. If people begun to disrespect Negara Ku, then, this is an indication that Malaysia is heading to destruction. The sense of patriotism is missing because government policies of inequal treatment of race and religion had made Malaysia a failed nation.
Speaker: Ms Jamie Tiew
Parti Bumi Kenyalang Central Committee Treasurer
尊严是如何来的? 不是自己民族互相称赞就有的。
(FMT Reporters -September 29, 2019 1:54 PM)
PETALING JAYA: Former PKR deputy president Syed Husin Ali has issued a scathing assessment of the Pakatan Harapan administration, saying it has failed to improve the lives of Malaysians as promised during the last general election.
(Borneo Post - BY SAM CHUA ON
KUCHING: Tourism, Arts and Culture Minister Datuk Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah urges the Pakatan Harapan (PH) federal government to make good of their pledge listed in their election manifesto, which is to grant 20 per cent oil royalty to Sarawak.
KOTA KINABALU: “Petronas and the other oil companies should stop pumping Sabah’s oil if they don’t want to pay the 20% oil royalty asked by the state and promised by the PH government” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan,President of Parti Solidariti Tanah Airku (STARSabah).cum Member of Parliament for Keningau in response to the statement by PM Dr. Mahathir that giving the 20% oil royalties is not workable despite having announced to the Sabah government in July last year that the Federal government will pay the 20% royalties.
Parenting the wrong way is the initial cause of subsequent problems. It is a very good analysis of the problems faced by the new generation.
Indigenous land disputes in Sarawak affect all of us.
Video source: - r.age facebook [What rights do Sarawak's native people have to the land they live on? | NEWSFLASH R.AGE 18 hours ago · ---]
Why different people say different things? Please what's the purpose of any appointment of any person? There should be some easier ways to explain, right?
Reason behind such appointment that one could figure out are the following so may be PH Federal government could make use of such offered reasons and trying to sell their "another long house head appointment" great idea?
(Dayak Daily - September 23, 2019)
KUCHING, Sept 23: Seni Khat Action Team (Sekat) alleges that Deputy Education Minister Teo Nie Ching has claimed in a meeting that Sarawak does not oppose to the introduction of Jawi lesson in primary school curriculum.
Deputy Education Minister, Teo Nie Ching, in a meeting with NGOs on or about 21st day of August 2019 in the Ministry of Education in Putrajaya told those present, that Sabah and Sarawak (who was not represented in the meeting) said Sabah and Sarawak had no objection to the introduction of Jawi Kat in the education curriculum.
(Dayak Daily - September 20, 2019 - By Lian Cheng)
KUCHING, Sept 20: Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) is urging the Sarawak government to repeal Section 28 of the Land Code as it is the root cause of many native land dispute cases. Its deputy president Peli Aron said Section 28 should be repealed because it is contrary to the concept of Torrens System which is the basis of Sarawak Land Code.
(Dayak Daily - September 20, 2019 - By Peter Sibon)
KUCHING, Sept 20: The only way Sarawak can achieve developed status is through cessation from the federation of Malaysia, opined Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) deputy president Peli Aron. He reiterated that Sarawak, which exercised its right to join the federation, also has the right to leave like Singapore.
(Dayak Daily - By Lian Cheng - September 20, 2019)
KUCHING, Sept 20: Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) holds that Sarawak must set up its own defence to safeguard its borders by reviving the Sarawak Rangers and Border Scouts. Its president Voon Lee Shan, who believed that the Malaysian armed forces are illequipped, said past incidences have shown that Sarawak could not rely on the military to safeguard Sarawak’s security.
(See Hua - 2019年7月30日)
砂拉越政党联盟(GPS) 以人民公投是而非的独立法迷惑了砂拉越人民,以便达到人民在下届砂拉越大选把票投给砂拉越政党联盟(GPS.).
Talk on Sarawak Independence in New Mandarin Restaurant at I-Com Square on 16 September 2019
SUPP is now caught between the two devils in deep blue see. Being in GPS, SUPP has to toe the line of GPS, that is, to regain autonomy under MA63. GPS will not leave Malaysia and this is their stand. On the other hand, SUPP wanted to be with the popular voice, that is, Independence.
KUCHING: If the Federation was not established pursuant to the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63), then Sabah and Sarawak are not bound by its Constitution and the two countries are not part of Malaysia, says Sabah Sarawak Rights Australia New Zealand (SSRANZ) president Robert Pei.
KUCHING:如果联邦不是根据马来西亚协议1963(MA63)成立的,那么沙巴和砂拉越不受其宪法的约束,这两个国家不属于马来西亚,沙巴沙砂拉越权利澳大利亚新西兰(SSRANZ - 澳洲新西兰沙巴沙捞越权利委员会)总裁罗伯特说裴。
KUCHING, April 1: 澳洲新西兰沙巴沙捞越权利委员会(SSRANZ)援引Chagos Archipelago案件认为, 1963年马来西亚协议(MA63)实际上是无效的,沙捞越和沙巴应该寻求自决。
SSRANZ president Robert Pei表示,事实上,法律部长拿督刘伟强可能没有仔细考虑他3月25日所说的全部提示,即政府不同意任何有关解散MA63和自决权的问题。 - 回复Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan Parti Solidariti Tanah Airku Rakyat Sabah领导人和Keningau议员提出的口头问题.
It was reported that open tender for Sibu New Industrial Zone has commenced. Please take note. If you are interested please find out more.
Lets Talk About Huawei New Operation System, gaming phone and sim card for travellers and etc
(enanyang - 2019年9月17日) 首相敦马哈迪说,政府尝试让扎基尔奈克转移到其他国家,不过,没有国家愿意收留他。他说,印度总理莫迪最近在俄罗斯出席经济论坛期间与他会面时,没有向我国提出引渡扎基尔的要求。
Speaker: Mr. Lee Liong Soon 讲员:李良顺同志 李老同志把肯雅兰全民党的奋斗,而肯雅兰全民党是一个平台 ,并且比喻做它是一个灯泡。他说,这个平台灯泡要发光 需要什么? 需要电力。那么,现在这个电是来自哪里?就是来自我们所有的人民给於支持 ,给予最大的力量 让肯雅兰全民党能够发出最大的热和光 来造福全砂拉越人民大众! 李老同志也谈了自己的辛苦童年生活。谈了自己在学生时代勇敢参与当年的学运,在当年还面对政府当局的镇压,但我们不屈服。
Speaker: Wong K K 讲员:黄公庆 黄公庆同志说,肯雅兰全民党宣布党在带领砂拉越人民走向独立,而砂拉越肯定是有权利寻求独立的,因为马来西亚协议在1963年签署的时候,由于砂沙星都还未独立。 而签署国际协议者都必须是正式独立的国家。 在那时,签署者除马来亚其他沙砂星所有人都没有权力来签署国际协议。 所以,从这个角度可以宣布,1963马来西亚协议是不合法的。 既然是一份不合法的契约,那末自然我们完全有权利可以离开。
Speaker Mr. Moh Hiong King (Parti Bumi Kenyalang Central Committee Member) 讲员:毛宣景工(肯雅兰全民党中央委员) 毛宣景同志与大家分享砂拉越的权益被马来亚殖民统治剥夺我们。 1973年宗教被点当 1974年油气被点当 1976年8月13日在马来亚国会开会,23砂拉越国会议员举手同意把砂拉越原本是三邦平等伙伴,正式改为13个之一。
Speaker: Parti Bumi Kenyalang Vice President Dato Geoge Martin George Martin 在演讲中告诉大家,所以我一定要参加肯雅兰全民党 ,一定要支持肯雅兰全民党的最重要原因是什么? 是因为在砂拉越只有肯雅兰全民党 唯一的一个党,能够勇敢地喊出砂拉越人民56年来的心声 ---- 我们要独立 ,in quest of independence, Merdeka ! Martin 同志告诉大家,过去的56年我们几乎失去了我们全部的权益。我们已经不能够再忍受这样的日子了。Martin同志号召所有的人民都最坚决地来支持为砂拉越人民的独立而奋斗的肯雅兰全民党!
Speaker: Mr. Ting Meng Chung 讲员:陈孟聪 Parti Bumi Kenyalang Central Committee Member 肯雅兰全民党中央委员 叙述人民在1963年之后的失去了什么,我们泗里街人民今天的处境,今后要如何才能更好生活。 从自己本身的做政府工程的经历和相关的问题,并且提出我们的党的长远和正确的方案和前景。
If you need to contact them to make complaints, just refer to the telephone contact list.
你没看错,包着头巾的穆斯林员工们,正为中秋节制造清真月饼! 年仅21岁的马来女生无心插柳创业,如今更有了属于自己的小工厂。然而光彩的一切,背后怀着的是辛酸的故事……
SSRANZ President Robert Pei said the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Liew Vui Keong may not have carefully considered the full implications of what he said as reported on 25 March 2019,quote:
Parti Bumi Kenyalang is a multi-racial political party in Sarawak and having an achievable mission :"IN QUEST OF INDEPENDENCE".
We plan to field 82 candidates in the coming Sarawak Election. We are not taking any donations but your gifts in appreciation of our struggles are appreciated.
肯雅兰全民党是砂拉越的多元种族政党,其使命是可实现的:“追求独立之路”。我们计划在即将到来的砂拉越大选中派出82名候选人,因此我们需要砂拉越人民和海外支持者在经济上以财礼(gift) 方式来支援我们。
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