Interested in arts so go for it but you want to be engineer no problem you can be engineer by doing what you interested ... Arts? Streaming is to ensure all ground covered for specific course preparing students for it. It is never a matter of interest or not. Other than the main course papers you can than talk about interest of students or else you are just misleading parents and students.

Arts & Science Streaming Disbanded In 2020!

Most of us Malaysians grew up going to a school that operated based on the streaming system that segregated us to Arts and Science.
This system had us students thinking about merely the field of study and work we would like to explore in the future and sign up for the class that offered the basic knowledge needed to qualify for those classes and jobs.

However, in recent happenings the Ministry of Education has announced the disbanding of the streaming system come year 2020 and is moving to employ a system where students are allowed to choose the subjects they would like to learn and explore further.
This will help students who are already set in their interests to explore specific subjects while still making an allowance for students who are not too sure about what they would like for their future by giving them options to explore a few subjects on a basic level.

The Education Minister, Dr. Maszlee Malik, has reiterated that "the old system is no longer applicable in the current climate of education and has caused a huge waste of talents and human capital that ended up under developed in areas of skills and expertise".

What do you think about this move? Is it a good idea? Let us know in the comments and stay tuned to RAAGA for more interesting updates.

Source: RAAGA

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