(China Press - 2018年10月22日)
(吉隆坡22日讯)教育部长马智礼说,2018/2019年大学预科班中,共有46.88%来自非土著申请者不被录取(tidak ditawarkan),其中30.8%是持有大马教育文凭的华裔毕业生。
Video News on 67 items increased (Chinese) 换了新政府 百货膨胀 人民百姓 活在水深火热之中 涨!涨!涨!
Parliament News with additional LGE promise during last year 509 election campaign video.
KiniFlash - Students part of a group called Gerakan Desak Janji Pakatan Harapan (DESAK), held a protest outside of the Parliament building today over Harapan’s failure to keep some of its election promises.
The group’s chairperson, Muhammad Ikhwan Nasyriq, said the Budget 2020 proved that the Harapan government wasn’t capable of realising its election promises, especially on PTPTN.
(Dayak Daily By Lian Cheng - October 17, 2019)
KUCHING, Oct 17: The tragic case of Bernard Then Ted Fen who was beheaded in Sabah should serve as a cautionary example for the Sarawak government about the risks of implementing an “open border policy”. Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) is of the view that implementing such a policy with Sabah will result in the entry of undesired personalities via the latter.
新闻声明 - 温利山 - 肯雅兰全民党主席 - 2019年10月17日
最多騙子最不遵守伊斯蘭清規的就是宗教司!他們才是穆斯林社會的亂源! Siti Kasim said Malaya is in early time practiced Hinduism like Indonesian the religion changed to Islam because of the wife of one sultan is a Muslim it was later changed to Islam.
Now PH is the federal government and Mr. Chong is a MP and also Deputy Minister of Ministry of Domestic Trade, Consumerism And Industries. "Why Sarawak still Getting 5%?" "Malaya and federal government has no rights over our petroleum and gas!" Why Now!?
现在,希望联盟是联邦政府,张健仁先生是国会议员兼国内贸易,消费和工业部副部长。 “为什么砂拉越仍只能获得5%?” “马来亚和联邦政府对我们的石油和天然气没有权利!”为什么现在还是如旧没有不一样!?“ 你现在应该更能够代表砂拉越在国会说话, 为什么现在反而没有在国会发表类似伟大的言讲?
LGE before last year 2018 9 May election, he promised TAR College University will be treated equally in fund allocation independent on whether it is run by MCA. Now he wants TAR must have nothing to do with MCA before allocating fund to TAR. 在去年的 2018年5月9日选举之前,林冠英承诺拉大(TAR College University)在资金分配方面将受到同等对待,而不取决于其是否由马华政党运营。现在他希望TAR在将资金分配给TAR之前与马华政党无关。
Malaysia is supposedly formed under Malaysia Agreement 1963 with Singapore, Federation of Malaya, Sabah and Sarawak as equal partners. In actual fact it is just a change of name of Federation of Malaya to Malaysia after grouping Sabah and Sarawak as equal partners.
An disappointed Malaysian spoke out his mind.
Education minister advised against students union leader making press statement against racist statement. Is that freedom of expression? When racist statement made by UM head the Education Minister should at the first instance seek explanation from UM head and any other universities heads why such racist remarks made and giving them show cause letter asking them why no action should be taken against these universities heads, instead of asking students to approach them behind the curtain as if there is hidden agenda cannot be exposed under the sun.
MCA chides DAP for ‘silence’ over calls to abolish vernacular schools
(FMT - Minderjeet Kaur -October 7, 2019 7:39 PM)
KUALA LUMPUR: MCA today accused DAP leaders of being silent on calls made at the Malay Dignity Congress yesterday to phase out vernacular schools in the country.
In a lengthy column posted on Harakah Daily, Hadi went on to say that it was forbidden for people of Islamic faith to surrender power to other races who are not Muslim.
PM spoke to Chinese reporter. Obviously his view tuned towards the liking of what China government wanted to hear. But when he is in USA his views could be very much different?
After PM said if people prefer GST, PH government will consider reintroducing GST, Now Finance Minister repeated the PM point. However, how come the management of a nation can be in such situation without foresight and plan that could calm the nerve of investors and rakyat? 国家经济和收入与开销的应付能力要看老百姓的喜恶来决定,太儿戏了吧?
After giving new born children RM1,000 each to children's saving account Sarawak government is coming up Gold Card to Sarawak Senior Citizen (60 years old and above). The Gold Card likely iis following the one issued in Singapore and it will be more or less a discount card for Senior Citizen.
Parti Bumi Kenyalang is a multi-racial political party in Sarawak and having an achievable mission :"IN QUEST OF INDEPENDENCE".
We plan to field 82 candidates in the coming Sarawak Election. We are not taking any donations but your gifts in appreciation of our struggles are appreciated.
肯雅兰全民党是砂拉越的多元种族政党,其使命是可实现的:“追求独立之路”。我们计划在即将到来的砂拉越大选中派出82名候选人,因此我们需要砂拉越人民和海外支持者在经济上以财礼(gift) 方式来支援我们。
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