Time and again I received voice of unhappiness including from retired senior police officers over the loss of Sarawak Constabulary and they want Sarawak Constabulary be restored.
Nothing is perfect in politics but the team assembled by the honourable prime minister Dato Sri Anwar Ibrahim should be lauded for his efforts to come with a team that could compromise the differences of ideologies of all political parties that helped to form this Unity Cabinet.
My colleagues and I are being arrested and are now in Simpang Tiga Police Station Kuching. I was told I was put under arrest under Sedition Act 1948. But police did not tell me what activities or words that I said were against the law.
The just concluded elections are a “political prostitution” of democracy. It makes democracy no more a sacred process to elect politicians and political parties to run the country. Citizens now see politicians as “prostitutes” sleeping with whom they can freely choose once elected. They keep not their words with whom they would not “sleep” with.
The Malaysian 15th Parliamentary Elections held on Saturday 19-11-2022 resulted in victories and defeats that created history. It has been 5 days since the fateful day and Malaysians are still awaiting for the announcement of a government that will hopefully deliver on all its election promises and truly heal Malaysia.
PH government had lowered the voting age to 18 years old and it now works against PH itself. UNDI-18 has become a sword by certain groups for their end.
If not careful these groups can penetrate secular society especially in Sarawak with their ideology to change their lifestyle.
As President of Parti Bumi Kenyalang, I am making this special appeal to all voters in Sarawak to vote for our Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) candidates who are contesting in this 15th General Elections. PBK is only contesting in four seats. These seats are the seat of Bandar Kuching, Stampin, Lanang and Mas Gading. Contesting for Bandar Kuching is myself, Voon Lee Shan. Lue Cheng Hing is contesting for Stampin and Priscilla Lau for Lanang seats while Ryan Sim Min Leong is contesting for Mas Gading seat.
KUCHING, Nov 7: Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) pleads to Democratic Action Party (DAP) to withdraw from contesting in Sarawak in the 15th General Election (GE15). Its president Voon Lee Shan said there are three reasons why DAP should withdraw from this election.