The party will release the names of all candidates for this coming 12th Sarawak Elections in stages at appropriate times. Official announcement of the names of the confirmed candidates shall be made by the president, Secretary-general and authorised officials of the party only.

As president of the party, I hereby take the pleasure to announce the following persons as confirmed candidates for Parti Bumi Kenyalang for the coming 12th Sarawak Elections for the following Kuching urban and semi urban seats

N9 Padungan- Raymond Thong
N10 Pending- Teo Kuang Kim
N11 Batu Lintang - Voon Lee Shan
N12 Kota Sentosa- Lue Cheng Hing
N13 Batu Kitang- Wong Tun Teck
N14 Batu Kawah- Chai Kueh Khun.
N17 Stakan- Atet Dego

We only have two more seats that are not filled in Kuching Division. This includes N5 Demak Laut, N7 Samariang.

We are calling for suitable people to contest under our party in N.5 Demak Laut and N7 Samariang.

All Bidayuh majority seats of N1. Opar, N.2 Tasik Biru, N3 Tanjong Datu, N18 Serembu, N19 Mambong, N20 Tarat, N21 Tebedu, N22 Kedup and N.23 Bukit Semuja are all filled by a good team of professionals including, scientists, engineers and educationists whose names will be released soon.

All candidates announced as potential candidates yesterday by Peli Anak Aron for Simanggang and Betong Divisions are confirmed candidates of the party for the coming elections.

They are

N27 Sebuyau- Wan Chee Wan Mahjar
N28 Lingga- Baha Anak Iman
N29 Beting Maro- Jackie Chiew
N30 Balai Ringin- Kasim Mana
N31 Bukit Begunan- Marcus Kayong
N32 Simanggang- Peli Anak Aron
N33 Engkilili- Stel Anak Datu
N34 Batang Ai- Usop Anak Asun

We are confident Parti Bumi Kenyalang with its vision to seek freedom and independence for Sarawak from the federation of Malaysia will create a hugh impact to change the political scenario of Sarawak politics.

We are looking forward for supporters to stay strong behind the party to capture the Sarawak government. Almost all whom we met on the ground want to see Sarawak be free and independent from the federation of Malaysia.

We call supporters to render help to the party and to the candidates in whatever way they think proper and able to help including providing logistics, manpower and fund for the elections.

Voon Lee Shan
Parti Bumi Kenyalang
17 November 2021

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Parti Bumi Kenyalang is a multi-racial political party in Sarawak and having an achievable mission :"IN QUEST OF INDEPENDENCE".

We plan to field 82 candidates in the coming Sarawak Election. We are not taking any donations but your gifts in appreciation of our struggles are appreciated. 

肯雅兰全民党是砂拉越的多元种族政党,其使命是可实现的:“追求独立之路”。我们计划在即将到来的砂拉越大选中派出82名候选人,因此我们需要砂拉越人民和海外支持者在经济上以财礼(gift) 方式来支援我们。

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