Although Gabungan Parti Sarawak (#GPS) will for the first time go alone in general elections but there is no love lost between GPS and Malaya political parties. The relationship was cemented for the past many years.

This is clear from statements made by premier Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg and Datuk Abang Abdul Karim Hamzah in the press.

It seems very likely GPS may join any political party in Malaya, except DAP or Pakatan Harapan to form the federal government. I guess that GPS will also have no problem to share the same "bed" with UMNO and PAS as long as it will be part of the federal government.

Since there is a likelihood for GPS to form the government with #UMNO and #PAS, voters in Sarawak are to decide whether it is wise to cast their votes to GPS. This is because voters need to remind themselves of the economic, social and political problems caused by UMNO and PAS affecting Sarawak.

Remarks made by Hadi Awang about our natives in Sarawak concerning the "cawat" should be fresh in the minds of Sarawakians. It is a show of grave disrespect to our natives of their culture and heritage.

#Sarawakians also should remind themselves of the loss of our oil and gas resources in which the UMNO led Barisan Nasional (BN) supported by Sarawak BN, passed laws in parliament to vest out oil and gas in the hands of #PETRONAS.
Now we have lost an estimated revenue of RM100 billion a year from oil and gas and what Sarawak used to get back was always below RM5 billion as annual budget

Voters should also throw away any political party from Malaya, especially #DAP and #PKR because they should focus to solve the political and social problems that at the moment occurring in Malaya. If DAP and PKR could not solve problems in Malaya, how could they be able to solve problems here?

We have given DAP and PKR to solve problems for Sarawak during their 22 months in power but they had failed us. They promised 20% oil royalty and 50% of all revenues collected be given back to Sarawak but where are they now?

The solution for Sarawakians is to vote local opposition parties like Parti Bumi Kenyalang (#PBK), Parti Sarawak Bersatu (#PSB) and Parti Bangsa Dayak Sarawak (#PBDS) to restore Sarawak.

Voon Lee Shan
Parti Bumi Kenyalang

20 Oct 2022

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