The budget announced by the Chief Minister came with carrots to entice Sarawakians to vote for the GPS government. A huge budget of RM10.136 with a total of RM4.803 billion or 64% being allocated for rural based infrastructures projects and people centric programmes shows that the GPS is desperate to cling on to powers.

The huge budget for rural areas shows that GPS is relying on votes in rural constituencies to stay in power. But the feedbacks Parti Bumi Kenyalang received is that people in rural areas this time will not be enticed with the huge allocation to vote for GPS. Their reason is they had suffered for too long and needs a new government.

The allocation will not help the rural folks to improve their lives much because they had been lagging behind too far. There are too many roads, bridges and schools in the rural areas that need to be repaired and built.

Rural folks also need much help to boost their agriculture and veterinary development and I don’t see the GPS government will not be able to do it now. If they could do, they could have done this much earlier.

It seems that there is no allocation to uplift poverty of the urban poor and urban homeless people in urban

GPS government may not realise that there are many urban homeless people.

There are many cases of families sharing the same room or house, crowding together in urban areas. This is not healthy.

PBK is not against the giving of bonus to the federal civil servants but the fund for this bonus to them should be from the federal coffer, not from the state. Being the kingmaker, GPS should be able to get the federal government to come with the fund for this bonus for the federal civil servants.

The federal government had taken so much of Sarawak wealth’s away every year for the federal coffer and for Petronas and there is no reason that the federal government should not be asked to come with the fund for the bonus for the federal civil servants. It is estimated that each year Sarawak had lost not less than RM200 billion of her wealth from taxes collected by the federal government departments and to Petronas.

According to Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah during 74th UNMO anniversary, Petronas is making a profit of RM90 billion annually.

Voon Lee Shan
Parti Bumi Kenyalang
9 Oct 2021

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