Priscilla Lau

It is so hazardous and dangerous to live beyond Jalan Ulu Sg Merah-Jalan Ling Kai Cheng junction because in the event of an emergency there is only the one road of Jalan Ulu Sg Merah to use. Jalan Ulu Sg Merah is single lane road each way and is proned to flooding. Urgent planning and concrete flyover plans must be put in place.

At the junction of Jalan Ling Kai Cheng & Jalan Ulu Sg Merah, there used to be a roundabout. I lived there from the year 2000 when the Wonderful supermarket area was still a jungle and not much housing further than that. Today Jalan Ulu Sg Merah is bustling with thousands of houses and young families who have moved to that area to make a home.

There is only the one road, Jalan Ulu Sg Merah to connect the thousands of houses in there to the main roads of Jalan Ling Kai Cheng and beyond.

Driving along that road in the early mornings to send my children to primary school in those years were horrific as we had to get up before 6am to start driving by 6.20am so as to reach Methodist Primary school at 6.45am. That was when houses were sparsely developed further into Jalan Ulu Sg Merah.

I used to have to rush home and leave the office by 4pm, otherwise I would have been caught in long traffic jams lasting hours.

Nowadays it’s an even more of a nightmare when driving along that Jalan Ulu Sg Merah from Jalan Ling Kai Cheng as houses have doubled and trebled.

The recent change of the roundabout to traffic lights has been counter productive as it has not aided the traffic flow but has worsened it.

That area should be top of the list of the GPS government’s development plan. A flyover must be put in place so that the thousands of young families living there have an alternate and more convenient route out of the congestion that they face everyday!

It is so hazardous and dangerous to live beyond Jalan Ulu Sg Merah-Jalan Ling Kai Cheng junction because in the event of an emergency there is only the one road of Jalan Ulu Sg Merah to use.

Jalan Ulu Sg Merah is single lane road each way and is proned to flooding.

Urgent planning and concrete flyover plans must be put in place.

Sibu deserves better than what the government has done thus far.

Priscilla Lau
Secretary General
Parti Bumi Kenyalang

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