(KUCHING, Jan 26 - Dayak Daily - By Ling Hui): The Sarawak Legislative Assembly (DUN) should be renamed as the Sarawak Parliament, opines Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) president Voon Lee Shan. This is so that the proposed Sarawak Parliament will have equal status with the Malaysia Parliament. He asserted that before the Federation of Malaysia was formed, Sarawak was a country by itself and so it must be on par with the Peninsular Malaysia.
“During the Rajah’s time, Sarawak was a nation, but after joining the Federation of Malaysia, Sarawak’s status has been under Malaya. “So, we must take back this dignity and sovereignty and refer to our DUN as the Sarawak Parliament,” he told reporters during a press conference in Saradise here today.
Consequently, Voon also proposed the title of Chief Minister be changed to Prime Minister of Sarawak. He said Peninsular Malaysia will have its Prime Minister while Sarawak has its own, to ensure equal
“Once Sarawak is on the same level with Malaya, I urge the present government to free Sarawak from the Federation of Malaysia, because there is no law to prohibit us from separating ourselves from Malaya. I have referred to many international laws and we have intrinsic rights to be independent,” asserted Voon.